may be plucked half-ripe, or even unripe, and then ripened by artificial means.
The causes of stopping of inflow of Karmic matter given above (pages 26-7) are also causes of the shedding of the karmas already bound to the soul.
In addition to these, austerities (tapa) also cause the shedding before its time.
Tapa, austerities are external and internal.
External austerities are:
Anashana, Fasting.
2. Avamodarya, Eating less than one's fill, or less than one has appetite for.
3. Vritti-parísankhyána, Taking a mental vow to accept food from a house-holder, only if a certain condition is fulfilled, without letting any one know about the vow.
4. Rasa parityága, Daily renunciation of one or more of 6 kinds of delicacies, viz. :
1. Ghee (Butter, clarified butter).
2. Milk.
3. Curd.
4. Sugar.
5. Salt.
6. Oil.
5. Vivikta-shayyásana, sitting and sleeping in a lonely place, devoid of anímate beings.
6. Káya klesha, Mortification of the body, so long as the mind is not disturbed.
The other, i.e., Internal austerities are also 6 :
1. Prayashchitta, Expiation.
2. Vinaya, Reverence.
3. Vaiyávritya, Service of the saints or worthy people.
4. Svádhyaya, Study.
5. Vyutsarga, Giving up attachment to the body, etc. 6. Dhyána, concentration.
When all the karmic matter has left the soul, it becomes the Pure Soul, the Realised (Siddha) or the Liberated (Mukta) Soul,
Now in Jainism, the soul is immaterial and has none of the special attributes of Matter. Matter is devoid of consciousness and has none of the special attributes of Soul.
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