Jain Education International
potentially developable, (6) the minimum of gross potentially developable, (7) the maximum of gross completely undevelopable, (8) the minimum of two-sensed completely undevelopable, (9) the maximum of (one sensed) gross potentially developable, (10) the minimum of two sensed potentially developable. After this similarly is (the minimum and maximum of) two, three; two, three; three, four; three, four; four, irrational (five); four, irrational (five-sensed souls). [Namely, (11) maximum of two-sensed completely undevelopable, (12) minimum of three-sensed completely undevelopable, (13) maximum of two-sensed potentially developable, (14) minimum of 3-sensed potentially developable, (15) maximum of 3-sensed completely undevelopable, : (16) minimum of 4-sensed completely undevelopable, (17) maximum of 3-sensed potentially developable, (18) minimum of 4-sensed potentially developable, (19) maximum of 4-sensed completely undevelopable, (20) minimum of 5sensed irrational completely undevelopable, (21) maximum of 4-sensed potentially developable, (22) minimum of 5sensed irrational potentially developable-all of Upapáda]. And similarly the birth vibratory division of irrational, rational, irrational, rational and rational. Then comes the minimum increasing vibration division of one-sensed finecompletely undevelopable souls [namely, (23) maximum of 5-sensed irrational completely undevelopable, (24) minimum of 5-sensed rational completely undevelopable, (25) maximum of 5-sensed irrational potentially developable, (26) minimum of 5 sensed rational potentially developable, (27) maximum of five-sensed rational completely undevelopable, (28) minimum of increasing vibration (Ekantánu-vriddhi) of one-sensed completely undevelopable]; (29) is the maximum birth vibratory division of the (fivesensed) rational (developable); (30) the minimum increasing vibratory division of (one sensed) fine potentially developable soul; (31) (the minimum increasing vibratory division of one sensed) gross (completely and), (32) gross
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