Book Title: Gommatasara Karma Kanda
Author(s): Nemichandra Siddhant Chakravarti, J L Jaini
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 222
________________ GOMMATASARA. - 159 पट्ठा य रायदोसा इंदियणाणं च केवलिम्हि जदो। तेण दु सादासादजसुहदुक्खं णत्थि इंदियजं ॥ २७३ ॥ नष्टौ च रागद्वेषौ इन्द्रियज्ञानं च केवलिनि यतः । तेन तु सातासातजसुखदुःखं नास्ति इन्द्रियजम् ॥ २७३ ।। 273. Because in the omniscient, attachment and aversion, and sensitive-knowledge are destroyed, therefore (in him) there is no happiness or misery due to the pleasure and pain (feeling Karmas), which are caused by the senses. समयष्टिदिगो बंधो सादस्सुदयप्पिगो जदो तस्स । तेण असादस्सुदओ सादसरूवेण परिणमदि ॥२७४॥ समयस्थितिको बन्धः सातस्योदयात्मको यतः तस्य । तेनासातस्योदयः सातस्वरूपेण परिणमति ॥ २७४ ॥ 274. Because in omniscient, the bondage of one instant duration of the pleasure (feeling Karma) is simultaneous with the operation of it, therefore the operation of the pain (feeling Karma), takes the same form as the pleasure feeling Karma. Commentary. In omniscients, pleasure-feeling Karma with highest intensity of fruition flows in and is shed off after operation at every instant, therefore the Karmic molecules of pain-feeling Karma of very mild fruition are submerged in the most pleasant fruition of pleasure feeling Karma. It is a rule that one of the two feeling Karmas can operate at one time; therefore no pain can ever be felt by the omniscients. एदेण कारणेण दु सादस्सेव दुणिरंतरो उदओ। तेणासादणिमित्ता परीसहा जिणवरे णत्थि ॥ २७५ ॥ एतेन कारणेन तु सातस्यैव तु निरन्तर उदयः । तेनासातनिमित्ताः परीषहा जिनवरे न सन्ति ॥ २७५ ॥ 275. And it is for this reason that there is continuous operation of the pleasure-feeling Karma only; therefore the (11) sufferings which have the pain-feeling Karma as their auxiliary cause are not found in the (omniscient) Conqueror. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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