Book Title: Gommatasara Karma Kanda
Author(s): Nemichandra Siddhant Chakravarti, J L Jaini
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 278
________________ GOMMATASARA. . . 216 Now let us go back to the subsidence, of any of the twenty-one passions. This subsidence is only of the Karmas bound at least one Avali ago. What as to the matter bound within this Avali? The answer is that the subsidence of this matter will be effected later along with the subsidence of the matter of the other sub-classes which follow in the order given above. For example the matter of the Achlávali of male inclination will subside along with the subsidence of the partial and total vow-preventing anger. णिरयादिसु पयडिहिदिअणुभागपदेसभेदभिएणस्स । सत्तस्स य सामित्तं णेदव्वमिदो जहाजोग्गं ॥ ३४४ ॥ निरयादिषु प्रकृतिस्थित्यनुभागप्रदेशभेदभिन्नस्य । सत्त्वस्य च स्वामित्वं नेतव्यमितो यथायोग्यम् ॥ ३४४ ॥ 344. After this, the inherence (Svamitva) of existence of (the matter bound in the bondage of four) different distinctions of class, duration, fruition and molecule should be considered as proper in the (different quests as) hellish condition, etc. तिरिए ण तित्थसत्तं णिरयादिसु तिय चउक्क चउ तिरिण। आऊणि होति सत्ता सेसं ओघादु जाणेज्जो ॥ ३४५॥ तिरश्चिन तीर्थसत्त्वं निरयादिषु त्रीणि चतुष्कं चत्वारि त्रीणि। प्रायूंषि भवन्ति सत्ताः शेषमोघात् ज्ञातव्यम् ॥ ३४५ ॥ 345. (There is) no existence of Tirthankara in subhuman (condition). And in the hellish, etc. (i.e., in hellish, sub-human, human and celestial conditions); there is (existence) of three (except celestial), 44, and 3 (except hellish) ages (respectively). The existence in the remaining (quests) should be known according to the stages. Commentary. Age Karma is of two kinds: the one which we are consuming, viz, current (Bhujyamána); and the one which is bound for the next incarnation, viz. bound (Badhyamána). In the hellish condition, the 3 (ages) are: current hellish age and the bound subhuman aud human. In the sub-human, the 4 are:- the current subhuman, and all the four bound; In the human, the current human Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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