कर्मकृतमोहवर्धितसंसारे च अनादियुक्ते। जीवस्यावस्थानं करोति आयुः हलीव नरम् ॥ ११ ॥
11. In this eternal cycle of existence which is fed by delusion caused by Karmas, the age-karma causes the sojourn of the soul, as the stocks which keep a man down.
गदिआदि जीवभेदं देहादी पोग्गलाण भेदं च । गदियंतरपरिणमनं करेदि णामं अणेयविहं ॥१२॥ गत्यादि जीवभेदं देहादि पुद्गलानां भेदं च । गत्यन्तरपरिणमनं करोति नाम अनेकविधम् ॥ १२॥
12. The body-making Karma of many kinds causes conditions of existence, etc., which differentiate the souls, many kinds of bodies which differentiate matter of various kinds and the change from one to another condition of existence. संताणकमेणागयजीवायरणस्स गोदमिदि सण्णा। उच्चं णीचं चरणं उच्चं णीचं हवे गोदं ॥ १३॥ संतानक्रमेणागतजीवाचरणस्य गोत्रमिति संज्ञा। उच्चं नीचं चरणं उच्चैर्नीचैर्भवेत् गोत्रम् ॥ १३ ॥
13. The conduct of the soul coming down from genea ration to generation is called Gotra (family). High and low conduct becomes high and low Gotra. (The Karma which determines high and low family for the birth of soul is called family-determining or Gotra Karma).
अक्खाणं अणुभवणं वेयणियं सुहसरूवयं सादं । दुक्खसरूवमसादं तं वेदयदीदि वेदणियं ॥ १४ ॥ अक्षणामनुभवनं वेदनीयं सुखस्वरूपं सातम् । दुःखस्वरूपमसातं तद्वेदयतीति वेदनीयम् ॥ १४॥
14. The feeling by the senses is called Feeling. Pleasant-feeling is pleasure-bearing feeling, painful feeling is pain-bearing feeling. That which causes this feeling is called Vedaniya Karma.
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