new thought activity Apúrva Karana); and of the two assimilative (body and limbs-and-minor-limbs-sub-classes of the body making Karma) in (stages) free from carelessness, (i.e., in the 7th stage of perfect vow, and in the 1st (6) parts of the 8th stage of new-thought-activity). (The bondage) of age (Ayu Karma occurs)in the wrong belief, etc., (up to the 7th stage of perfect vow), except (the 3rd or) mixed (stage and except in the potentially developables, or niryritti aparyápta, conditions in which there is mixed vibration of the 3 kinds of mixed bodies). And the bondage of the other (divisions of Karma takes place in stages up to the bondage-cessation--Bandha Vyuchchhitti, (i.e., up to the point where although, such Karmas remain in existence and bound, up, yet they do not attract other corresponding Karmic matter for further bondage of the soul).
पढमुवसमिये सम्मे सेसतिये अविरदादिचत्तारि। तित्थयरबंधपारंभया णरा केवलिदुगंते ॥६३ ॥ प्रथमोपशमे सम्यक्त्वे शेषत्रये अविरतादिचत्वारः। तीर्थकरबन्धप्रारम्भका नराः केवलिद्विकान्ते ॥ ३ ॥
93. Men, possessing the first-subsidential, and the other three (kinds of) right-belief, (i.e., second-subsidential, destructive-subsidential and destructive)in the four, vowless, and other (i. e., partial, imperfect, and perfect vow stages), initiate the bondage of Tirthakara (sub-class of body-makking Karma)near the two, omniscient(Kevali, and all-scripture-knowing saint, shruta Kevali).
Commentary. First subsidential belief lasts only for one Antar-muhúrta, which according to some saints is too short to carry out the 16 meditations (Shodasa Kárana Bhávaná) which are necessary for the initiatory bondage of Tirthakara Karma. The beginning of the bondage of this supreme Karma can be made only by a man, and that also near an omniscient or an all-scripture knowing saint, because in no other surroundings can the necessary purity of thought-activity be attained. But although thus begun in the human condition, the bondage of Tirthakara Karma can continue in all the conditions
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