Book Title: Gems Of Jaina Wisdom
Author(s): Dashrath Jain, P C Jain
Publisher: Jain Granthagar

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Page 63
________________ I pay my obeisance to that scriptural knowladge which consists of twenty kinds i.e. modes, letters,words, aggregates of words (proses) definitive words, method of exposition/ disquisition (anuyoga bidhi) treatises - treatises and treatises, entity and poorvas as well as compounds of modes, compounds of letters, compounds of words, compounds of aggregates, compounds of definitive terms, compounds of exposition, compounds of treatises treatises, compounds of treatises, compounds of entities and compoundof poorvas and the compounds of these compounds. And which has been stated/pronounced to be of deep and superior twelve kinds also in the manner described in sacred books. आचारं सूत्रकृतं स्थानं समवाय - नामधेयं च। व्याख्या - प्रज्ञप्तिं च ज्ञातकथोपासकाध्ययने।।7।। वन्देऽन्तकृद्दश-मनुत्तरोपपादिकदशं दशावस्थम्। प्रश्नव्याकरणं हि विपाकसूत्रं च विनमामि।।8।। (आचारं सूत्रकृतं स्थानं समवायनामधेय) आचारांग, सूत्रकृतांग, स्थानांग, समवायांग (व्याख्याप्रज्ञप्तिं च) और व्याख्या-प्रज्ञप्ति (ज्ञातृकथा-उपासकाध्ययने) ज्ञातृकथा और उपासकाध्ययन को (वन्दे) नमस्कार करता हूँ (अन्तकृद्दशम्-अनुत्तरोपपादिकदशं दशावस्थं प्रश्नव्याकरणं हि विपाक सूत्रंच) अन्तकृद्दशांग, अनुत्तरोपपादिक दशांग, प्रश्नव्याकरणांग, विपाकसूत्र (च) दृष्टिवाद इन 12 अंगों को (विनमामि) मैं विशेष रूप से नमस्कार करता हूँ। I specifically pay obeisance to these twelve angas - āchārānga, sutra-kritānga, sthānānga, samavāyānga, vyākhyā prajnati, jnātrakathā, upāsākādhyayana, antahkriddasānga, anuttaropapādikadasanga, prasna vyākaranānga, vipāka sutra and dristivāda. परिकर्म च सूत्रं च स्तौमि प्रथमानुयोग-पूर्वगते। सार्द्ध चूलिकयापि च पंचविघं दृष्टिवादं च।।७।। (परिकर्म च सूत्रं च प्रथमानुयोग पूर्वगते सार्द्ध चूलिकयापि च) परिकर्म सूत्र, प्रथमानुयोग, पूर्वगत और चूलिका सहित (पञ्चविधदृष्टिवाद) पांच प्रकार के दृष्टिवाद अंग की (स्तौमि) मैं स्तुति करता हूँ। ..... ... - Gems of Jaina Wisdom-IX .61


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