20 गाय निस्त्रि(स.)ष्टः [*] यतोस्मवश्यैरन्यैश्चागामिविषयभोगपतिभिरनुमन्त
21 व्यः पालयितव्यश्च । यो वा तत्फललवास्वावमात्रतृष्णासरिज्जलोम्मि
Third Plate 22 भिरुह्यमानमानसोज्ञानपटलावृतमतिगिरिनदीजलतरङ्गभ23 ङ्गुरमायुग्र्गत्वरमश्वत्थपत्रचञ्चलं धनमासादयेत् स पञ्चमहा24 पातकसयुक्तः स्यादिति ॥ उक्तञ्च भगवता व्यासेन । बहुभिर्वसुधा भक्ता 25 राजभिः सगरादिभि[:][*] यस्य यस्य यदा भूमिस्तस्य तस्य तदा फलं(लम्) [१॥*। 26 षष्टि वर्षसहस्राणि स्वर्गे मोदति भूमिदः [*] पाच्छेत्ता चानुमन्ता च तान्येव27 व नरके वसेत् ॥[२॥*] उक्ती(त्को)र्णमेतच्छासनं मातापित्रोः पुण्यावाप्तये चन्द्र28 पुत्रेण भत्रियदुर्गादित्येनेति ॥ संवत्सरशतत्रये द्वाविझे कार्तिक शुदि ५ [*]
गणदत्तिः ][*]
TRANSLATION Om ! Hail! From Nändivardhana-The illustrious Svāmirāja, who is a fervent devotee of Mahēsvara (Siva) and meditates on the feet of the lord paramount, is in good health. His brother Nannarāja who meditates on his feet, honours all hiss (Officers) such as Rājasthāniya, Uparika, Dāndapatika, Chātu, Bhata, Duta-saṁpreshanika and Drängika," communicating (the following order to them)
(Line 4) Be it known to you that at the request of the Assembly of the Corporation (Ganasamüha), whose Executive Officers (Pramukhas)10 are Kalinga, the President (Sthavira) of the Maha-Mātragana, (and) Kētabha, Rõladēva, Pradiptabhata, two Sivadēvabhatas, Mātsisvāmin, Ganadēva, Könkabhata, the Physician of Elephants (named) Samasvāmin, Asangata, the Chief of the Elephant Corps (named) Mällāyika (and) Prabhākara, (and) for augmenting the religious merit and fame of (my) mother and father and of myself (I have granted) by a charter, twelve nivartanas (of land) in the village) Chiñchapattikā to (the "Brāhmanas) (viz.) the learned Divakara of the
1 This akshara is superfiuous. - Read द्वाविंशत्युत्तरे.
As the text stands, these officers would be of Nannaraja, but they are probably meant to be of his brother Svåmirija who was reigning. • Rajasthaniya moana Viceroy, or Crown Representative.
U parika was the Governor of a provinco. • Dåndapa&ika was a police officer. * Chå fas and bha fas were policemen and soldiers whose duty was to apprehend criminals.
Data-san preshanika was one who appointed datas for the execution of royal oharter. • Dringika was probably the Mayor of a town (draiga). "The pramukhas correspond to the baryachintakas mentioned in Smritis. Seo Yajiatutkusmriti, I :91.