In the light of these traditions, we shall be able to understand the significance of the intered anthills, from which serpents are issuing, and the climbing plant which twines round the legs and arms of the images of Gommatesvara at Sravana Belgola, Karkala and Yenur. "These details are identical in all three, and supposed to represent so rigid and complete an absorption in penance that anthills had been raised around his feet and plants had grown over his body, without disturbing the profoundness of the ascetic's alstraction from mundane affairs."
The story of the establishing of the image of Gominatávara by The legendary ac- Châmunda Râya is thus described in a work, counts of the estab
the image composed in Sanskrit verses, named Vahuvali Chaby Chamunda Raya. ritra.
In the city of Madhurå (now known as Madura) in the Dravida The story in country there was a king, named Rajunalla, who Vahuvali Charitra, encouraged the spread of Jaina tenets, and was the worshipper of Simhanandi, belonging to the Desiya Cana 1 His minister was called Châmunda Râja. One day, when the king sat with his minister in the royal court, a travelling merchant came there and told them that in the north there is a town called laudanapuri, where there is an image of Vahuvali, also called Gominata, established by Bharata. Hearing this, the devout Châmundarija resolved to visit the shrine of the image, and going home narrated the tale to his mother, Kalikâ Devi whereupon she also wished to go with him to that sacred spot. Châmundarâja then went to his spiritual preceptor,
पञ्चशतचापसमुन्नतियुक्तम् अप्प तत्-प्रतिकृतियं मनोमुददे माडिसिदं भरतं जिताखिलक्षितिपतिक्रि पोदनपुरान्तिकदोल् पुरुदेव-नन्दनम् । चिरकालं सले तज्जिनान्तिक-धरित्री-देशादाल लोकभीकरणं कुक्कुटसर्पसंकुलं असंख्य glès i catat....." Inscription No. 85, Epigraphia Carnatica, Vol. II, page 67.
* Lewis Rice-Inscriptions at Sravaņa Belgola : Introduction, page 83.
When the Acharyas of the Nandi-sangha of the Jainas spread themselves over the country (Desa), their sangha came to be known as Desiya-Gaņa, vide :--
"पूर्वं जैनमतागमाब्धिविधुवच्छीनन्दिसंघेऽभवन् सुखानर्द्धितपोधनाः कुवलयानन्दा मयूखा इव । सत्सङ्ग्रे भुवि देशदेशनिकरे श्रीसुप्रसिद्ध सति श्रीदेशीयगणो द्वितीयविलसन्नाम्ना मिथः कथ्यते ॥"
[Vahuvali Charitra, verse 87.]