Book Title: Dravya Sangraha
Author(s): Nemichandra Siddhant Chakravarti, Saratchandra Ghoshal
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 120
________________ DRATYA SAMGRAHA, 21. Angas of the Jainas we find the phrase, "In that Kála and in that Samaya " ("तेणं कालेां तेणं समएणं") Kala is eternal, void of form and without beginning or end. Kila has no varieties. Samaya has a heginning and an end, and emsists of rarieties, vis, hour minute, second, etc. Kila may be said to be the substantial cause (Upâdâna Kirapa) of Samaya. 61 "Some say that there is no other Kala, except that which consists of acts comprised by the rising and setting of the sun, etc." That is to say, some deny that there is a real time (Nischaya Kala behind the apparent time (Vyarahira Kâla). But this view is untenable, for there must be a time haring the characteristics of a substance different from the acts mentioned above. There must be something behind to help these acts. Though in ordinary parlance we apply the word time to such acts, real time is not identical with the samet Vartana or continuity is the perception of the existence of a substance understood from changes produced in the same in separate moments of time. For example. we put rice in a pot containing water and place the same on a fire. After some time, we find that • "क्रियां दिनकरादीनामुदयास्तमयादिकाम् । प्रविहा पापरः कालेो नास्तीत्येके प्रचक्षते ॥" [ चन्द्रप्रभचरितम् १८ । ७५ । ] + " तन्न युक्तं क्रियायां हि लोके काल इति ध्वनिः । प्रवृत्तो गयैव वाहीक इव गोध्वनिः ॥ न च मुख्याहते गौराकल्पना नरसिंहचत् । तस्माद्द्रव्यस्वभावोऽन्या मुख्यः कालोऽस्ति कश्चन ॥" [ चन्द्रप्रभचरितम् । १८ । ७६ । ७७ । ] "काला दिनकरादीनामुदयास्त क्रियात्मकः । औपचारिक एवासी मुख्यकालस्य सूचकः ॥ [ धर्मशर्माभ्युदयम् २१ । ८९ । ] + प्रतिद्रव्यपर्यायमन्तनतैकसमया स्वसत्तानुभूतिर्वर्त्तना ।' [ तत्वार्थराजवार्त्तिकम् ॥५-२१॥४] "ग्रन्तनतिकसमया प्रतिद्रव्यविपर्ययम् । अनुभूतिः स्वसत्तायाः स्मृता सा खलु वर्त्तना ॥" [ तत्वार्थसारः ||४१] .


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