Bhara-bandha." Bhara-bandha is, therefore, the alliance of the soul with mental activities which are produced when we are excited with attachment or aversion to worldly objects.
First of all, therefure, there is an influx of Karmas, through Åslavas. Then, there are some actirities of consciousness which attach themselves to the soul, producing a peculiar kind of bondage. This is what we call Bhava-bandha. Ifter this Bhava-bandha, there is a union of Jira with actual Karmas. This union consists of the interpenetration of the soul and Karmas, and the bondage resulting from this, is known as Dravya-bandha. In Vardhamina-Purâņa Canto XVI, Verse 44), Ire hare:
"भावबन्धनिमित्तेन संश्लेषो जीवकर्मणोः।
योऽसो चतुःप्रकारोऽत्र द्रव्यबन्धो बुधैः स्मृतः॥" ie, "That union of Jira and Karma which is causeil by Bhavabaudha and is of four kinds, is callel Drarra-bandha by the learned."
Bandha is, therefore, the assimilation of natter existing in many Pradesas by Jira, when it is excited by Kasaya (i.e., attachment and aversion! We have already described the results of this bondage in the commentary on Verse 7.7
पयडिट्ठिदिश्रणुभागप्पदेसभेदा दु चदुविधो बंधो। जोगा पयडिपदेसा ठिदिअणुभागा कसायदो होति॥३३॥
Payaditthidiaņubhâgappadesa bhedâ du chaduvidho ___bandho, "सकषायतयादत्ते जीवोऽसंख्यप्रदेशगान् । पुद्गलान् कर्मणो योग्यान् बन्धः स इह कथ्यते ॥"
धर्मशर्माभ्युदयम् ।२१।१०६] "सकषायतया जन्तोः कर्मयोग्यैर्निरन्तरम् । पुद्गलैः सह संबन्धी बन्ध इत्यभिधीयते ॥"
[चन्द्रप्रभचरितम् ।१८९६] "सकषायत्वाजजीवः कर्मणो योग्यान पुद्गलानादत्ते स बन्धः।"
[तत्वार्थाधिगमसूत्रम् ।८।२।] See pages 22-23. Sanskrit rendering: प्रकृतिस्थित्यनुभागप्रदेशभेदात् तु चतुर्विधः बन्धः । योगात प्रकृतिप्रदेशौ स्थित्यनुभागौ कषायतः भवन्ति ॥३३॥ Prakritisthityanubhagapradesabhedât tu chaturvidhaḥ bandhaḥ, Yogat prakritipradesuu sthityanubhāgau ka sikyatah bhavanti.-(33).