three jewels. Na, not. Vattai, exist. a, Tamhâ, therefore, afer Tattiyamaio, consisting of these three. Adâ, the soul. Hu, surely. Mokkhassa, of liberation. Karanam, cause of. f Hodi, becomes.
40. The three jewels (i. e., Perfect Faith, Perfect Knowledge and Perfect Conduct) do not exist in any other substance excepting the soul. Therefore, the soul surely is the cause of liberation.
It has been laid down that, in order to attain Mokṣa or liberation, one must have Perfect Faith, Perfect Knowledge and Perfect Conduct. These three are therefore the means to liberation. But these should not be considered to be apart from the soul, for nowhere but in the soul can each or all of these exsist. It is the soul possessed of all these three jewels that is really fit for liberation. Strictly speaking, therefore, the soul itself attains liberation when it is possessed of certain characteristics (viz., these three jewels). But from the ordinary point of view, we regard the three jewels as apart from the soul as the causes of liberation though from the realistic point of view, the soul possessed of these three jewels is the cause of Mokṣa.
जीवादीसहहणं सम्मत्तं रुमप्पणो तं तु । दुरभिणिवेसविमुक्कं गाणं सम्मं खु होदि सदि जहि ॥४१॥
Jivâdîsaddahanam sammattam rûvamappano tam
Durabhiņivesa vimukkam nânam sammam khu hodi sadi jamhi (41).
Padapatha-af- Jivâdi-saddahanam, faith in Jiva, etc. सम्मतं Sammattam, Samyaktva (Perfect Faith). Tam, that. Appano, of soul. Rúvam, quality. Tu, and. f Jamhi, that. Khu, surely. Nâṇam, Jñâna (knowledge). f vimukkam, free from errors. Sammam, perfect if Hodi, becomes.
Sadi, being. Durabhinivesa
*Sanskrit rendering:
जीवादिश्रद्धानं सम्यक्त्वं रूपं आत्मनः तत् तु ।
दुरभिनिवेशविमुक्तं ज्ञानं सम्यक् खलु भवति सति यस्मिन् ॥ ४१ ॥
Jivâdi-sraddhanan samyaktvam rûpam âtmanaḥ tat tu. Durabhinivesa-vimuktam jüanam samyak khalu bhavati sati yasmin (41).