Book Title: Dravya Sangraha
Author(s): Nemichandra Siddhant Chakravarti, Saratchandra Ghoshal
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 183
________________ DRATYA-SANGRAHA, 56,57. 121 मा चिट्ठह मा जंपह मा चिंतह किंवि जेण होइ थिरो । अप्पा अप्पम्मि रो इणमेव परं हवे ज्झाणं ॥५६॥ Má chitthaha mâ jampaha mâ chintaha kimvi jeņa hoi thiro, Appa appammi ray imamera param hare jjhanam---(56). Padapatna.-किवि Kimri, anything. मा Ia, do not. चिट्ठह Chitthaha, act. मा Ma, do not. जंपह Jampaha, talk. मा Ta, do not. चिंतह Chintaha, think. जेश Jena, by which. अप्पा Appa. soul. अप्पम्मि .Appummi, in the soul. रमओ Rao, attached. थिये Thiro, fixed. होइ Hoi. becomes. इग्गम् Inam. this. स्व Era, surels. परं Param, excellent. उझाणं Jjhanam. meditation हवे Hare, is. 56. Do not act, do not talk, do not think, so that the soul may be attached to and fixed in itself. This only is excellent meditation. COMMENTARY To attain excellent Dhyana (ineditation). one should turn all his faculties inwards, and restrain all outward movement of the same. First of all, it is necessary to stop all actions and refrain from talk and thought of anything else. Then the soul should turn upon itself anci begin to meditate on its own nature. This is Dhvana. To reaclı this stage, one must first check all activities of body, inind and speech which produce disquietude of the soul, for it is impossible to arrive at the quiet stage necessary for meditation if we do not first check the disturbing elements. तवसुदवदवं चेदा ज्झाणरहधुरंधरो हवे जम्हा । तमहा तत्तियणिरदा तल्लद्धीए सदा होह ॥५७nt Tavasudaradavam chedâ jjhânarahadhurandharo have jamha, Tamha tattiyanirada talladdllie sada hoha—(57). † Sanskirt rendering : मा चेष्टत मा जल्पत मा चिन्तयत किमपि येन भवति स्थिरः। आत्मा आत्मनि रतः इदमेव परं भवति ध्यानम् ॥५६॥ Ma chestaca ma jalpata ma chintayata kimapi yena bbavati sthirah. Atmi átmani rataḥ idamera parain bhavati dhyana--(56). Sanskrit reuering: तपःश्रतव्रतवान् चेता ध्यानरथधुरंधरः भवति यस्मात् । तस्मात् तस्त्रितयनिरतः तल्लब्ध्यै सदा भवत ॥५७॥ Tapahsrutavratavan cheta dhyavarathadhurandharah bhavati yasmat, Tasmāt tattritayaniratah tallabdhai sada bhahata--(571.


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