Book Title: Dravya Sangraha
Author(s): Nemichandra Siddhant Chakravarti, Saratchandra Ghoshal
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 304
________________ APPENDIX. Ixii Piņdastha Dhyana is the contemplation of oneself and has " five Dharanas, i.e., fixing the mind on five things. They are (1) Parthivi, (2) Agneyi, (3) Maruti ; (4) Varuni and (5) Rupavati. The Yogin should imagine or place before his mind a vast ocean of milk, bushed and tranquil and without waves. He should then imagine a lotus with a thousand petals, as big as Jambudvipa and shining like gold, to be situated in the midst of it, and the lotus to have a celestial pericarp like a mountain of gold. He should conceive a lofty throne resembling the autumnal moon to be placed in that pericarp and should imagine himself as sitting at ease on that throne, serene, without desire, or hatred and prepared to conquer his enemy the Karman. Thus ends the first Dharaņâ." The Yogin should then imagine a shining and beautiful lotus with sixteen petals jutting out, as existing in the hollow of his navel. He should contemplate the fourteen Torrels (अ, आ, इ, ई, उ, ऊ, ऋ, ऋ, लू, लू, ए, ऐ, ओ, औ) and अं अः as marked on the sixteen petals and the great Mantra Arham with the dot over the line as shining on the pericarp. Then he should imagine a volume of smoke arising from the curvilinear r or repha of the Mantra, then 1 "पिण्डस्थं पञ्च विज्ञया धारणा वीरवर्णिताः। संयमी यास्वसंमूढो जन्मपाशान्निकृन्तति । पार्थिवी स्यात्तथाग्नेयी श्वसनावाथ वारुणी । तत्वरूपवती चेति विज्ञेयास्ता यथाक्रमम् ॥ तिर्यगलोकसमं योगी स्मरति क्षीरसागरम् । निःशब्दं शान्तकल्लोलं हारनीहारसंनिभम् ॥ तस्य मध्ये सुनिर्माणं सहस्रदलमम्बुजम् । स्मरत्यमितभादीप्तं द्रुतहेमसमप्रभम् ॥ अवजरागसमुद्भूतं केसरालिविराजितम् । जम्बूद्वीपप्रमाणं च चित्तभ्रमररञ्जकम् ॥ स्वर्णाचलमयीं दिव्यां तत्र स्मरति कर्णिकाम् स्फुरपिङ्गप्रभाजालपिशङ्गितदिगन्तराम् ॥ शरच्चन्द्रनिभं तस्यामुन्नतं हरिविष्टरम् । तत्रात्मानं सुखासीनं प्रशान्तमिति चिन्तयेत् ॥ रागद्वेषादिनिःशेषकलङ्कक्षपणक्षमम् । उद्यक्तं च भवोद्भूतकर्मसन्तानशासने ॥" [शानार्णवः । ३६ ॥ २-१]


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