deluded by or attached to beneficial objects and do not be averse to harmful objects.
COMMENTARY. To succeed in the practice of meditation, one must be free from all disturbing feelings He should weither be attracted to pleasant objects nor repulsed by unpleasant objects. He should be indifferent to everything. may it be beneficial or harmful By this means, he would be able to fix his soul upon itself, as the calmuess of his mind would remain undisturbed through the disappearance of disturbances arising from attachment and aversion.
पणतीस सोल छप्पण चदु दुगमेगं च जवह झाएह ।
परमेट्ठिवाचयाणं अण्णं च गुरूवएसेण ॥४६॥ Paņatîsa sola chhappaņa chadu dugamegaạ cha javaha
jhâeha, Parametthivachayâņam annam cha gurûraesena-(49.)
Paulapatha.--- afgarera Parametšķi vâchayâņam, signifying the Parameşthis. quaire Paņatisa, thirty-five. Sola, sixteen. a Chha, six. Paņa, five. Chadu, four. g Dugam, two. Cha, and. Egam, one. Cla, aud. Tegei Gurûva-esena, by instruction of the Guru (preceptor). pum Aņņam, others we Javaha, repeat Jhâeha, meditate.
19. Repeat and meditate on (the lantras), signifying the Parameşthis and consisting of thirty-five, sixteen, six, five, four, two and one (letter) and other (mantras) taught by the Guru (preceptor).
COMMENTARY. In this verse, we are introducel to the daily prayer of the Jainas. In all religions, a formula consisting of the daily prayer has been prescribed ; and in Jaina religion, this prayer can be lengthened or shortened, according to the occasion or capacity of the worshipper.
* Sanskrit rendering :
पञ्चत्रिंशत् षोडश षट् पञ्च चत्वारि द्विकम् एकं च अपत ध्यायेत ।
परमेष्ठिवाचकानाम् अन्यत् च गुरूपदेशेन ॥४९॥ Panchattrinsat soulasa şat pa ucha chatvári dvikam ekan cha japata dhyâyeta, Parameşthivachakânâ to anyat cha gurnpadesena-(49.)