Padapôtha.-- Atte, things. apararege Avisesidūņa, without particulars. raq Âyâram, detail. da Neva, note Kattum, grasping. Jam, which. Hrari Bhâvâņam, things. araua Samaņņam, general. Teri Gahanan, perception. Damsaņam, Darsana. s Idi, this. Fa Samaye, in the scriptures. Huara Bhannaye, is called.
43. That perception of the generalities of things without particularities in which there is no grasping of details, is called Darśana in (Jaina) scriptures.
COMMENTARY. Darsana is knowledge without details. For example, when a person sees a cloth, as long as he is only conscious of the existence of something called cloth, he is said to have Darsana. But when he begins to have knowledge of the details, viz., the size, colour, etc., of that piece of cloth, he is said to have Jūâna. We have already made this clear in the commentary on Verse 4, page 9.
In Tattvarthadhigauna Sätra of Umâsvami, we have “Samyak Darsana is faith in the principles of Jainism " ( aardagri suparna" 412] That Darśana is not the same as the Darsana which we have described above. There Samyak Darsana means perfect faith, and details are present there, while here it means knowledge without details." दसणपुव्वं णाणं छदुमत्थाणं ण दुरिण उवोगा। जुगवं जम्हा केवलिणाहे जुगवं तु ते दोवि ॥४४॥ Damsaņapuvvam ņāņam chhaduwaithâņam na duņņi
uvaoga. Jugavam jamhâ kevaliņâhe jugavam tu te dovi-(44).
Padapathu.-- gurari Chhadumatthâņam, of the Samsari Jivas. Augsa Darasaņapuvvam, preceded by Darsaņa. Te Nânam, Jñâna. Jamhân, for this reason. groet Duņpi, two. Uvayoga, Upayoga. Jugavam,
* "नेदमेव तत्वार्थश्रद्धानलक्षणं सभ्यगदर्शनम् वक्तव्यम् । कस्मादिति चेत् ? तत्र श्रद्धानं विकल्परूपम्, इदं तु निर्विकल्पम् ।"
[Brahmadeva's Commentary) † Sanskrit rendering:
दर्शनपूर्व शानं छद्मस्थानां न द्वौ उपयोगौ । युगपत् यस्मात् केवलिनाथे, तु ते द्वौ अपि ॥४४॥ Darsanapûrvam jo anam chladmasthánấm na dyan upayogau. Yugapat yasmat kevalinathe tu te dvau api. -(44).