8. Charitra or Right Conduct is of five kinds* :-(a) Sâmâyikachâritra (Equanimity) consisting of self-absorption in which a person refrains during his whole life or for a certain fixed period from injury, false-hood, lust, stealing and acceptance of things which are not givent (6. Cbedopasthapanâ (Resettling after a break) consisting of penalties for faults arising from inadvertence or negligence, on account of which one loses equanimity. This therefore may be said to consist of an attempt to recover equanimity; after a fall from the same) (6) Parihara-visuddhi (Purity obtained by refraining from injury to living beings) which is only found in a saint who being thirty years old, serves a Tirthankar from three to nine years, who is devoid of inadvertence and absorbed in self-contemplation and who practises other observances $ (d) Sûkşmasâmparâya consisting of conduct in which only the passion greed is present in a very subtle state while all other passions have subsided or have been destroyed. (This kind of conduct is only found in one who has reached the tenth stage of development)|| ke) Yathakhyata (Perfect Right Conduct) characterised by subsidence or destruction of all the passions. It is present in beings who are in the eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth stages of development
* "वृत्तं सामायिकं ज्ञेयं छेदोपस्थापन तथा। परिहारं च सूक्ष्मं च यथाख्यातं च पञ्चमम् ॥”
[तत्वार्थसारः ॥ ६ । ४४ ॥] + “प्रत्याख्यानमभेदेन सर्वसावद्यकर्मणः । नित्यं नियतकालं वा वृत्तं सामायिकं स्मृतम् ॥"
[तत्वार्थसारः ॥ ६ । ४५॥] + “यत्र हिंसादिभेदेन त्यागः सावद्यकर्मणः। व्रतलोपे विशुद्धिर्वा छेदोपस्थापनं हि तत् ॥”
[तत्वार्थसारः ॥ ६॥४६॥] $"विशिष्टपरिहारेण प्राणिघातस्य यत्र हि । शुद्धिर्भवति चारित्रं परिहारविशुद्धि तत् ॥”
[तत्वार्थसारः॥६॥४७॥1 || "कषायेषु प्रशान्तेषु प्रक्षीणे ध्वखिलेषु वा। स्यात् सूक्ष्मसांपरायाख्यं सूक्ष्मलोभवतो यतेः॥
[तत्वार्थसारः॥६॥४८॥] P"क्षयाचारित्रमोहस्य कात् स्न्येनोपशमस्तथा। यथाख्यातमथाख्यातं चारित्रं पञ्चमं जिनैः॥"
[ तत्वार्थसारः॥६॥४९॥]