Vadasamidiguttio dhammâņupihâ parîsahajao ya Chârittamvabubheyam nayavvà bhavasamvara
Padapathage Vada-sami.ligio. Vratas, Samitis and Guptis. Ya, and. Dhammâṇupihâ, Dharmas and Anupreksas. परीसहजओ Parisahajao, Parisahajaya. बहुभेय Vahubheyam, of many kinds. चारित Chârittam. Châritra. Bhavasamvaravisesâ, the varieties of Bhâva-samvara. ar Nayavvâ, to be known.
35. The Vratas (Vows), Samitis (Attitudes of carefulness), Guptis (Restraints), Dharmas (Observances), Anupreksa (Meditations), Pariṣaha-jayas (the victories over troubles) and various kinds of Châritra (Conduct) are to be known as varieties of Bhâva-samvara.
From this verse, we learn that Bhavasamvara is of seven varieties: Vrata, Samiti, Gupti, Dharma, Anupreksa, Parisaha-jaya and Charitra. Each of these, again, are divided into various subclasses.
A. Vrata or vows is of five kinds, viz. Ahimsa (Abstinence from injury), Satya Truthfulness), Achaurya or Asteya (Abstinence from stealing, Brahmacharya (Abstinence from sexual pleasures) and Aparigraha Abstinence from acceptance of worldly objects). Umâsvåmi has mentioned these five varieties of Vrata, and has defined each of them In Prasna Vyakarana, Samvara is said to consist of these five varities only. The five rules of conduct (Pañcha Silas) of the Buddhists correspond to the five Vratas of Jainism; and a parallel may also be found in the commandments, such as, "Thou shalt not kill," "Thou shalt not steal," "Thou shalt not commit adultery," etc., which are proinulgated by Christianity.
*''हिंसाऽ नृतास्तेयाब्रह्मपरिग्रहेभ्यो विरति व्रतम् ।" [ तत्वार्थाधिगमसूत्रम् । ६ । १ । ] + "" पत्तो संवर-दाराई पंच वाच्छामि श्रणुपुवीए जह भणियाणि भगवया सव्वदुक्खविमोक्खणट्ठाए । पढमं हुंति अहिंसा, वितियं सत्तवयणंति पण्णत्तं दत्तमगुणाय संवरो वंभचेरमपरिग्गहंतं च । "
[ प्रश्नव्याकरणम् । ६ अध्ययनम 1