Pada patha.- Jado, because, Ede, these. wife Santi, exist.am Teņa, on that account f t Jiņarara, the great Jiņas. fa Atthiti, as “Asti." Hora Bhananti, say. a l'a, and. They Jamhà, because 741 Kâyâ, hodies. sa Iva, like. Per Tahudeså. hariny many Pradesas. Aqet f'amhâ, therefore #72 Kaya, Kâyas Ya, and, faire Itthikâyâ, Istikâras.
27. As these exist, ther are called " Asti“ by the great Jinas, and because (they have many Pradesas, like bodies, therefore [ther are callerl] Kâras. Hence these are called] Astikaras.
COMMENTARY. " Asti-kaya't consists of two words, "Isti" and "Kaya." "Asti” literally means "exists." Now, the fire kinds of substances, riz., Jiva, Pudgala, Dharina, Adharma, and Âkása always exist ; hence, while mentioning any of these, one night say "it exists." gain, each of these substances has many Pradesas, like bodies. Hence, each of these might also be said to be " Kaya" literally, body. These two characteristics being combined, each of the aforesaid fire substances are named 'Astikaya' or that which exists and has different Pradeśas like a body' It should be remembered that to be an Astikaya, a substance must have both these characteristics. The substance Kala, (Timej though having the first characteristic (viz. existence), is not called Istikaya, because it does not have many Pradesas.
To be more clear, first let us understand that is meant br a Praclesa. Pradega has been lefined in Verse 27 to be that part of space rhich is obstructed by one indivisible atom of matter. A Pradesa can contain not only atoms of matter, but of particles of other substances also. Thus each of the substances have Pradeśas. Now, Jiva, Pudgala, Dharma, Adharma and Akasa have many Pradesas, as these consist of many indivisible and inseparable parts, or, in other words, the particles of these are not separate, but are mixed up or capable of being mixed up. Hence, as we are unable to locate these particles, in definite Pradeśas, these substances can be said to | The word Astikaya is thus derived :
"afer fa farscara FAU ," - Asti" is an indeclinable (Avyaya) resembling a verb in form.
That which acts like Kaya is " Kaya." (काय इव आचरति इति कायः। आचारार्थे क्विए ।) That in which there is existence (Asti) and Kaya is called Astikaya.