particles of time never mix up with one another. In Tattvärthasara, we haie
"एकैकवृत्त्य प्रत्येकमणवस्तस्य निष्क्रियाः
311137-g@aig Tacirra ferat: 11" [188] i.., "The particles of that (Time) exist each in its own capacity, like heaps of jewels in the Pradesas of the Lokâkása (universe), and are without activity."
In Vardhamana Purana, we have "लोकाकाशप्रदेशे ये ह्येकैका प्रणवः स्थिताः। भिन्नभिन्नप्रदेशस्था रत्नानामिव राशयः।"
[Canto XVI., Verse 35. ] i.e., "The particles exist separately in different Pradesas of Lokákasa, like lieaps of jewels in different places."
This characteristic of Time differentiates it from the other five kinds of substances; for, while the former consists of separable particles, the latter are collections of indivisible and inseparable parts.
एवं छभेयमिदं जीवाजीवप्पभेददो दव्वं । उत्तं कालविजुत्तं णायव्वा पंच अस्थिकाया दु ॥२३॥ Evaņ chhavbheyamidlam jirâjîvappabhedado dar
vam, Uttain kấlavijuttaņ ņâyavrà pañcha atthikává
du. (23). Pada pâtủa. Eram, in this manner. garofarut Jivâjîvappabhedado, according to the subdivisions of Jiva and Ajiva. Idam, this. coa Davram, Dravya. watei Chharbheyam, of six kinds. 7 Uttam, is called. & Du, and. Hreifamei Kala-vijuttam, without Kalate Pañcha, five. facere Atthikâyâ, Astikayas. 441 Ņâyarva, to be known.
23. In this manner, this Dravya is said to be of six kinds, according to the subdivisions of Jiva and Ajiva. The five, without Kala, should be understood to be Astikâyas. * Sansleril rendering:
एवं षड्भेदं इदं जीवाजीवप्रभेदतः द्रव्यम्।
उक्तं कालवियुक्तं ज्ञातव्याः पञ्च अस्तिकायाःतु ॥२३॥ Evam şadbhedam idam jîvâjivaprabhedatah dra vyam, Uktam kalaviyuktam jñatavyâh pafcha astikayah tu. --(23).