Jambu Svami. Further, in the Angas there are sentences spoken by Sudharma Svâmi to the effect: "I am telling you such and such a matter, as described by Lord Mahavira."* From passages like these, it becomes certain that Mahavira is the earliest authority to which the existing Jaina Canonical works refer.
The Digambaras, however, deny the authority of the Angas and say that the original Canonical works have perished during the first century after the Nirvâna of Mahavira; but they also maintain that the tenets of Jainism were made popular by Lord Mahâvira. The tradition of both the Jain sects thus agree in attributing to Mahavira the popular exposition of the tenets of Jainism. This is the reason why we most frequently find Mahâvira worshipped by the Jaina writers in the opening verses of their Works as the great propounder of the Truths of their religion. Here also Nemichandra, the author of Dravya-Samgraha, seems to have saluted Mahavira as the propounder of Dravya, which is the subject-matter of the present work. The word "Jiva" is usually translated as "Soul," "Living being, Consciousness," etc., and Ajîva as things without life," "non-living substance," etc., but we shall use the original words throughout the translation. The accurate meaning of these terms will be understood from the verses which follow, and which deal with the distinguishing characteristics of each of these substances.
citaì zasìnmeì agiâ zar aèzafîaroÌ I भोत्ता संसारत्थो सिद्धो सो विस्ससोडूढगई ॥ २ ॥ Jivo uvaogamao amutti kattâ sadehaparimâņo. Bhottâ samsârattho siddho so vissasoḍḍhagai-(2)
Padapatha.- Jivo, Jiva. a Uvaogamao, characterised by upayoga. Amutti, formless. Kattâ, agent. Sadeha parimâno, equal in extent to its own body. Bhottâ, enjoyer. Samsarattho, being in the Samsâra fe Siddho, siddha. So, he. facerent Vissasoddhagai, having a natural upward motion.
2. Jiva is characterised by upayogâ, is formless * "वोच्छामि श्रणुपुवीए जह भणियाणि भगवया । " - Praśna-vyakaranaiga. VI.
Sanskrit rendering:
sha: sqàınaz: aqfa': zaf æègqftaru: |
Àrea deicey: faz: a fastar zgʻanfa: || 2 11 Jivaḥ upayogamayaḥ amurtiḥ karta svadehaparimâṇaḥ. Bhokta samsarasthaḥ siddhaḥ sa visrasâ arddhvagatiḥ-(2.)