Sounds not finding place in languages are again of two kinds : (1) produced by human beings and (2) resulting from other sources, as the noise of thunder, etc. The first of these, again, are of four kinds: (a) Tata or that produced froin musical instruments covered by leather, 16) Vitata or that produced from string-instruments, (c) Ghana or that produced from metallic instruments and (d) Saușira or that produced from wind-instruments.* It should be mentioned in this connection that there is a difference in the nomenclature of musical instruments between the Jainas and the Hindus, for the latter call Tata by the name of Anaddha and Vitata by the name of Tata.
The following theory of sounds is found in Verse 79 of the Panchàstikâyasamayasara :
"सद्दो खंधप्पभवो खंधो परमाणुसंगसंघादो।
पुढेसु तेसु जायदि सहो उप्पादगो णियदो॥" i.e., "The combination of atoms is known as Skandha. Sound results when Skandhas strike against one another." Thus it has been laid down that all sounds result from the Skandhas of Pudgala (inatter).
Bandha or union is mainly divided into two heads, (1) Prayogika (produced by the efforts of body, speech, or mind of a person) and (2) Vaisrasika (produced without any kind of effort of any person).
Prayogika may again be (1) Jiva-vişaya, i.e., union of non-living substances only or (2) Jivajiva-visaya, i.e., union of living with nonliving substances. Jivajiva-visaya Bandha, again, may result (1)
* "शब्दो द्वधा भाषालक्षणविपरीतत्वात् ।
भाषात्मक उभयथा अक्षरीकृतेतरविकल्पात् । अभाषात्मक द्वधा प्रयोगविस्रसानिमित्तत्वात् । तत्र वैनसिको बलाहकादि-प्रभवः । प्रयोगश्चतुर्धा ततविततघनसौषिरभेदात् ।"
Tattvårtha-raja-vârttika, V. 24 (2, 3, 4, 5 and 6). Compare the Hindu nomenclature, e.g. "ततं वीणादिकं वाद्यमानद्धं मुरजादिकम् । वंशादिकन्तु सुषिरं कांस्यतालादिकं घनम् ॥” [Amarakosa] with "चर्मततनात्ततः पुष्करभेरीदर्दुरादिप्रभवः ।