as Gunasthanas. In Gommatasåra, we have the following list of the fourteen Gunasthanas :
“मिच्छो सासण मिस्सो अविरदसम्मा य देसविरदो य । विरदा पमत्त इदरो अपुव्व अणियह सुहुमो य॥ उवसंतखीणमोहो सजोगकैवलिजिण अजोगी य । चउदस जीवसमासा कमेण सिद्धा य णादव्वा ॥"
[Jira-kānda, 9, 10.] i.e., " the fourteen Gunasthānas should be known to be dithyatra, Sasidana, Jisra, Avirata-samyaktra, Desavirata, Virata, Pramatta, Itara (i. e. Apramatta), Apurva, Anitritta, Suksma, Upasanta-ksinamoha, Sarrogi-khvali-jina and Ayogi."
In the first stage, a person has no belief in the truth of Jaina doctrines. Even when these are taught to him, he does not believe in them, but on the contrary holds false beliefs, whether taught or not. The true doctrines appear to him as distasteful as sweet syrup to a man suffering from fever.* This stage is known as the Mithyátva Guņasthậna.
The second is a transitory stage. When one loses true belief and comes to believe false doctrines as in the first stage, he passes through the second stage which is known as Sâsâdana. This is an intermediate stage in the fall from the heights of Samyaktva (right belief) to the level of Mithyatva (false belief).1
In the third or Misra stage, a person has true and false beliefs in a mixed way. That is to say, neither a desire to have true beliefs
"मिच्छोदयेण मिच्छत्तमसद्दहणं तु तच्चप्रत्थाणं ।
मिच्छत्त वेदतो जीवो विवरीयदंसणो हादि । ण य धम्मं रोचेदि हु महुरं खु रसं जहा जरिदो॥ मिच्छाइट्ठी जीवो उवइटें पवयणं ण सद्दहदि । सद्दहदि असम्भावं उघइह वा अणुवइ8॥"
[Gommatasara, Jiva-kânda, 15, 17, 18.] "सम्मत्तरयणपत्वयसिहरादो मिच्छभूमिसमभिमुहो। यासियसम्मत्तो सो सासणणामो मुणेयबो॥”
[Gommatasara, Jiva-kanda, Verse 20.1