Book Title: Dravya Sangraha
Author(s): Nemichandra Siddhant Chakravarti, Saratchandra Ghoshal
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 53
________________ xlvi INTRODUCTION. in this connection the importance of Dhyîna (meditation) is emphasised. In verse 49 we are introduced to the prayers of the Jainas loy wlich one should attempt to concentrate the inind upon the Arhats, Siddhas, Acharyas, Upadhyâyas and Sådhus. These five classes of beings are known as the fire Parameşthis, and their characteristics are described in verses 50-54. The work ends with a mention of the ellicacy of Dhyana (meditation). The commentary on Dravya-samgrala which we publish herewith Pulmadera's come is composed by Bralımadera. Portions of this mentary. commentary have been quoted by Subhachandra in his commentary on a work entitled, Srimi-kârtikeyânupreksa. There is, therefore, no doubt that Bramhadeva must have lived before, or at least was the contemporary of, Subhachandra. The commentary on Svâmi-kârtikêyâ-nupreksî by Subhachandra was finished on the 10th of Magh, in the Vikrama year 16131 Sabhachandra wrote another work, named Pândava-Purâņa, at the end of which it is mentioned I "THÉE ETUI Titi Ted F a: 1" [agafa:] Also श्रीनेमिचन्द्रसिद्धान्तिदैवैविरचितस्य द्रव्यसंग्रहाभिधानग्रन्थस्य सम्बन्धिनी श्रीब्रह्मदेवकृतवृत्तिः समाप्ता। * We mention this on the authority of a passage written by Pandit Javaharlal Sastri in his Introduction to V. . . . . page 11. There is evidence that subhachandra was well-versed in the works of Nemichandra. cf. त्रैलोक्यसार-गोमहसार-लब्धिसार-क्षपणसारादिशास्त्र-सरितपतिपारप्रात्तानां" [ Pattavali printed in Jain Siddhanta-Bhaskar, a Part I, No. 4., page 45.] 1 Vide: "Aiya: qa ad and UTERII श्रीमच्छीशुभचन्द्रदेव-रचिता टीका सदा नन्दत"॥ [Prasasti of the commentary on Sramikârtikeyi-nuprekşü hy Subhachandra as quoted in Jaina Siddhanta Bhaskaraa Part I, No. 4 page 07] Dr. Bhandarkar, however, in his Report on Sanskrit Mss. page 113 (Bombay), says Subhachandra finished his work on the 10th of Maglia in the year 1613 of Vikrama" $ "श्रीमद्विक्रमभूपतेर्द्विकहते स्पष्टाष्टसंख्ये शते रम्येऽष्टाधिकवत्सरे सुखकरे भाद्रे द्वितीयान्तिथौ। श्रीमद्वाग्वरनिर्वृतीदमतुले श्रीशाकवाटे पुरे श्रीमच्छीपुरुषाभिधे विरचितं स्थयात् पुराणं चिरम् ॥" [ Pandava-Parana Prasasti verse 86. From a Mss, in Jaina Library, Arrah. The place, sakabata Pura, where the work Pandava Purana was finishel, is Sangbara, where Subhachandra succeeded his guru in the Patta established in that place. The order of succession of Gurus of Sub achandra is as follows; Padmanandi, Sakala-karti, Bhubana-kîrti, Jianabhûşana, Vijayakîrti, Sabhachandra. For a further account of Subhachandra, the reader may refer to an article in Jaina Siddhanta Bhaskara, Part I, No. 4 pages 65-68, er, in his traa Part 1, Wilkeri-nuprck


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