Book Title: Vaishali Institute Research Bulletin 7
Author(s): Nand Kishor Prasad
Publisher: Research Institute of Prakrit Jainology & Ahimsa Mujjaffarpur
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Vaishali Institute Research Bulletin No. 9
Haribhadra composed about half a dozen works on the science of yoga. In his time many traditions and interpretations of yoga were current. He collected cream from all these traditions and interpretations and utilized it in enriching the Jaina yoga literature. Yogadşștisamuccaya and Yogabindu are two major works on yoga in Sanskrit by Haribhadra and Yogašataka and Yogavimśikā in Prakrit. In the first two texts Haribhadra mainly discusses the problem of an ideal personality.
In Yogadşştisa muccaya Haribhadra attempts a novel scheme of spiritual tradition. He divides the spiritual evolution into eight stages or drstis. In this work he has divided yoga in three types viz. iccha-yoga, Šāstra-yoga and samarthya-yoga. The eight drstis are 1. Mitrā 2. Tārā 3. Balā 4. Diprā 5. Sthira 6. Kantā 7. Prabhā and 8. Parā. These names and the basic concepts underlying them seem to have been borrowed from some non-Jaina tradition because there is almost nothing typically Jaina about this eight-fold division. Still we can compare the fourteen gunasthānas with these eight view points as well as with Patañjali's list of yoga-sūtra.
Acārya Haribhadra has described three types of yogins in his other work called Yogabindu, viz. 1. apunarbandhaka, 2. samyagdrsti or bhinnagranthi, and 3. caritrin. The caritrin is further divided into two types, viz. 1. Deśavratins, 2. Sarvavratins. The apunarbandhaka has udaya of darśanamohanīya as well as udaya of all types of kaşāya. The samyagdrsțis and the caritrins of deśavrarity pe have kşayo pasama or kşaya of darśanan ksayo pasama or kşaya of anantānubandhi, kşayo pasama of apratyakhyana and udaya of the rest of kaşāyas. The caritrin of sarvavirata type (kşapakaśreni-ārohin vitarāga and kevalin) have kşaya of darśanamoha and ksaya or ksayo pašama of anantānubandhi and apratyākhyānāvar aņa. The Caritrin of ksapakaśreniārohin is rendering kşaya of all types of karmas. The vitarāga and kevalins both have kşaya of all the karmas.
In the description of caritrin Haribhadra gives an exposition of the five stages of yoga, namely, 1. Adhyatma or contemplation of truth accompanied by moral conduct, 2. Bhāvanā or repeated practice in the contemplation accompanied by the steadfastness of the mind, 3. Dhyāna or concentration of mind, 4. Samatā or equality and 5. Vrtti-sarksaya or the annihilation of all the traces of karmas. According to Haribhadra the first four and the last one are respectively comparable to the samprainata and asam prajñāta samadhi as described by Patanjali,
This description of the stages of spiritual development differs from the one found in the Yogadşşți-samuccaya, in regard to terminology, classification and style. The subject matter of Yogašataka closely resem
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