species; first, the fish Ariz?, the Arzuvâ, the Arzuka, the Marzuka, and other Avesta names 2. 27. Afterwards, within each species, species within species are created, so the total is two hundred and eighty-two species .
28. Of the dog they say that out of the star station, that is, away from the direction of the constellation Haptök-ring, was given to him further by a stage (yôgist) * than to men, on account of his protection of sheep, and as associating with sheep and men; for this the dog is purposely adapted , as three more kinds of advantage are given to him than to man, he has his own boots, his own clothinge, and may wander about without self-exertion. 29. The twelfth ? is the sharp-toothed beast of
gularities seem to indicate that part of this chapter has been omitted by some old copyist.
See Chaps. XVIII, 5, and XXIV, 13. * None of these names are found in the portion of the Avesta now extant.
K20 alone has 272 (see Chap. X, 3). The actual total number of species mentioned is: 186, leaving ninety-six for the 'species within species.' Zad-sparam in his Selections, Chap. IX, 14, differs from the numbers given in the text merely in giving ten species of ox, instead of fifteen; so the total of his details is 181, leaving for sub-species to make up his grand total of 282 (see App. to Bund.)
* A yôgist (compare Sans. yogana) was probably from fifteen to sixteen English miles, as it consisted of sixteen hasar, each of one thousand steps of the two feet (see Chap. XXVI, 1). This sentence seems to imply that on account of the useful qualities of the dog he has a part of the lowermost grade of paradise allotted to him, further from the demon-haunted north than that allotted to the men whose inferior order of merit does not entitle them to enter the higher grades of paradise.
6 Reading âhang-hômand,'having a purpose.' • Compare Vend. XIII, 106. ? All the MSS. have 'fourteenth,' but they give nothirteenth.'
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