promotes that member, as it is said that there where the ox scattered its marrow 1 on to the earth, grain afterwards grew up, corn ? and sesame, vetches : and peas; so sesame, on account of its marrow quality, is itself a great thing for developing marrow. 3. And it is also said that from the blood is the vine, a great vegetable thing—as wine itself is bloodfor more befriending the sound quality of the blood. 4. And it is said that from the nose is the pulse (mâys or masa h) which is called dônak, and was a variety of sesame (sa maga)', and it is for other noses.
fire, man and quadrupeds, grazing and flying animals, and what he produced for their advantage and use, and the like. Secondly, the resurrection and heavenly path, the gathering and dispersion, and the nature of the circumstances of the resurrection, as regards the virtuous and evil-doers, through the weight of every action they perform for good and evil.'
This description corresponds very closely with what the Bundahis must have been, before the addition of the genealogical and chronological chapters at the end; and Dåd-sparam mentions in his text here, and again in $ 16, particulars regarding the Dâmdâd which also occur in the Bundahis (XIV, 2, 14-18, 21-24). There can be very little doubt, therefore, that the Bundahis was originally a translation of the Dâmdâd, though probably abridged; and the text translated in this volume is certainly a further abridgment of the original Bundahis, or Zand-âkâs. Whether the Avesta text of the Damdâd was still in existence in the time of Dâd-sparam is uncertain, as he would apply the name to the Pahlavi text. At the present time it is very unusual for a copyist to write the Pahlavi text without its Avesta, when the latter exists, but this may not always have been the case.
1 Or 'brains.'
* Supposing the MS. galðlag is a corruption of gallak (Pers. ghallah).
• Assuming the MS. alono or arvano to be a corruption of alam or arsano.
• Reading rât instead of la. Compare Bund. XIV, 2. • Either this sentence is very corrupt in the MS. or it cannot be
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