numerously, and their disturbance by Aharman and the demons was less. 63. For in their evil reigns, within the countries of Iran, there were not seven1 towns which were desolate as they will be when it is the end of thy millennium, O Zaratust the Spitâmân! for all the towns of Iran will be ploughed up by their horses' hoofs, and their banners will reach unto Padashkhvârgar, and they will carry away the sovereignty of the seat of the religion I approve from there; and their destruction comes from that place, O Zaratust the Spitâmân! this is what I foretell.'
64. Whoever of those existing, thus, with reverence unto the good, performs much worship for Aûharmazd, Aûharmazd, aware of it through righteousness, gives him whatsoever Aûharmazd is aware of through righteousness, as remuneration and reward of duty and good works, and such members of
So in the Pâzand, but seventeen' in Persian; in K20 the word is partly illegible, but can be no other number than sibâ, 'seven.'
The mountainous region south of the Caspian (see Bund. XII, 2, 17).
This section is the Pahlavi version of an Avesta formula which is appended to nearly two-thirds of the hâs or chapters of the Yasna, and, therefore, indicates the close of the chapter at this point. The version here given contains a few verbal deviations from that given in the Yasna, but none of any importance. The Avesta text of this formula is as follows:
Yênhê hâtam âad, yêsnê paitî,
vanghô mazdau ahurô vaêthâ, ashâd hakâ, yaunghǎmkâ, taskâ tauskâ yazamaidê.
And it may be translated in the following manner :
'Of whatever male of the existences, therefore, Ahuramazda was. better cognizant, through righteousness in worship, and of whatever females, both those males and those females we reverence.'
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