moon, and then out to the sun'; and it is needful that the nearest fire, which is that to which it has come out, should become stronger (zôr-hômandtar)
6. The rule is this, that they should not leave a nail-paring unprayed over (anâfsûdak), for if it be not prayed over (afsând) 3 it turns into the arms and equipments of the Mâzanan demons * ; this is explicitly shown in the Vendidad .
7. The rule is this, that the labour of child-birth is not to be accomplished at night, except while with the light of a fire, or the stars and moon, upon it; for great opposition is connected with it, and in the twentieth of the Haspâram Nask? it is shown that over the soul of him who works in the dark there is more predominance of the evil spirit.
8. The rule is this, that they should allow the egg and other food for those gifts and favours of the
1 A righteous soul is supposed to step out first to the star station, then to the moon station, and then to the sun station, on its way to Garðdmân, the highest heaven; but if its righteousness is imperfect it has to stop at one of these three stations, which are the three lower grades of heaven (see note on pâhlûm ahvân, Chap. VI, 3).
Or more provided with zôr,' which may mean "holy-water,' as the two words zor and zôhar are occasionally confounded.
* Or, perhaps, 'if they shall not pray over it.' • See Bund. III, 20, XIX, 19, 20. • Vend. XVII, 29. • Barman-zerkhûnisnih may also mean "begetting a son.'
See Chap. X, 21. The word twentieth' appears to refer to the second group of twenty sections, one of which treated of the begetting, birth, and treatment of children.
* Referring to the egg, drôns, frasasts, and gâus hudhau or 'meat-offering' (which may be either butter or meat, see Chap. XI, 4) that are used in the drôn ceremony, or consecration of the sacred cakes (see note on drôn, Chap. III, 32). The object of
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