Book Title: Sacred Laws of Aryas
Author(s): Gorge Buhler
Publisher: Oxford

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________________ 474 Sacred ceremony, see Ceremony. feast (myazd), Dd. 47, 1; 82, 4; 83, 4; 84, 4; Ap. 426. - fire, Dd. 48, 11 n, 34, 39; 86, 21; 81, 18 n; 89, 1; 90, 2, 6; Ep. I, iii, 11, 13, 14; II, viii, 3. - hymns (gâthas), Dd. 20, 3; 51, 9; 79, 7; 85, 4; Ep. 1, ii, 12; Ap. 390, 397. milk, Dd. 48, 33. shirt, Dd. 39, 19 n, 21; 40, 1, 2. -thread-girdle (kustik), Dd. 39, 1, 19-25, 27, 30; 40, 1, 3; 43, 5n; Ap. 383. - twigs (baresôm), Dd. 43, 5; 48, 14 n, 17; Ep. I, iv, 3; III, 1, 13; Ap. 432, 433Sad-darband-i Hûsh, book, Ap. 373 n. Sad-dar Bundahis, book, Dd.79, 4 n. Sadvâstarân assembly, Dd. 14, 5 n. Saêna bird, Dd. 90, 3 n. Sagastân, land, Dd. 30, 2 n. Sakâdum nask, Int. 24; Ep. I, viii, 1, 6, 7. PAHLAVI TEXTS. - Sam, man, Ap. 369 n. Sâm, man, Dd. 48, 41; Ap. 38r. Sâmân, title, Dd. 17, 6; 36, 3; 37, 97; 48, 41 n; Ap. 369. Sandal-wood, Ap. 446 n. Sandarac, Ap. 446. Saoshyas, apostle, Ap. 369. Sarakhs, town, Int. 13, 25, 27; Ep. II, i, 12 n, v, 3. Sarsaok, ox, Dd. 37, 99 n. Sârû, demon, Ep. I, x, 9. Sasanian dynasty, Ap. 428. -inscription, Dd. 91, 3 n; Cor. 479. Satan, Dd. 37, 106 n. Sata-târakâ, lun. man., Ep. II, ii, 9 n. Saturn, planet, Ep. II, ii, 9, 10. Satvâharân, lun. man., Ep. II, ii, 9 II. Saukavastán, land, Dd. 90, 4 n. Savâh, region, Dd. 38, 5. Scripture (avesta), Ap. 443; (nask), Dd. 48, 25, 28, 34, 38; 61, 3. Season-festivals, Dd. 89, 1 n; 47, (7;) 48, 8; Ep. I, viii, 3; Ap. 426. Secluded, place of the, Ap. 452, 453. Seeds, see Source and Tree. Sêg, demon, Dd. 39, 28 n. Selections of Zâd-sparam, book, Int. 14, 15; Ep. III, 23 n; Ap. 394. Shâhnâmah, book, Dd. 17, 6 n; 37, 97 n; 70, 3 n; Ap. 369 n. Shahpahar, priest, Int. 13; Ep. I, iii, 10. Shatvaîrô, angel, Dd. 48, 1 n, 17n; Ap. 415, 434 n; month, Dd. 1, 17. Shaving the head, Ap. 408. Shâyast Lâ-shâyast, book, Dd. 44, 2 n; Ap. 414, 420 n. See Proper and improper. Shîrâz, town, Int. 14, 22, 25, 27; Dd. 1, 17; 88, 7 n; Ep. I, iii, 13; II, i, II, v, 3, 4, 10, viii, I, 3. Shnûmano (dedication, propitiation), Dd. 29, 1; 30, I. Showing a dog to the dead, Dd. 17, 20; 18, 2. Sin, Dd. 11, 2; 12, 3; 15, 1, 2; 24, 2, 3; 25, 3; 32, 6; 37, 79; 40, 4; 45, 6; 50, 3; 75, 2; 78, 14, 15; 79, 2, 3; 89, 1; 94, 7, 8 n; Ep. I, viii, 2, 3; II, i, 11; Ap. 372, 378, 380 n, 399, 422, 424; account of, Dd. 18, 1-4; 14, 1, 2, 4; 31, 2, 10; accumulation of, Dd. 32, 12; 34, 4; 37, 111; affecting accusers, Dd. 14, 3; atonement for, Dd. 12, 2, 4; 16, 4; 41, 8, 10; 72, 11; 75, 5; 78, 17, 19; 79, 12; Ap. 414; confinement of, Dd. 39, 10, 20, 23; deliverance from, Ep. I, ii, 5; demons of, Dd. 82, 5, 11, 12; 34, 4; 37, 110; grievous, Dd. 39, 1; 50, 2; 78, 16; 79, 8; Ep. III, 11 n; Ap. 417; growth of, heinous, Dd. 49, 4, 5; 72, 1, 2; 76, 3; 77, 1; 78, 2; Ap. 423; impotence of, Dd. 37, 112; imputed, Dd. 42, 4; 51, 4; 78, 9, 10; Ap. 456-458; of apostasy, Dd. 41, 1-6; of running about uncovered, Dd. 40, 1, 4; source of, Ep. I, ii, 3; store of, Dd. 25, 5; washing away of, Dd. 87, 111. See Bôdyôzêd, Drâyân-guyisnih, Eradication, Farmân, Hamêmâl, Khôr, Original, Punishment, Renunciation, Retribution, Tanâpûhar. Sinfulness, Dd. 25, 6; 48, 19; 71, 2, 4; 72, 10; 77, 12; 78, 1, 15, 18; 79, 8; Ep. II, ix, 2; III, o; Ap. 379. Sinners, put to death, see Slaying. Digitized by Google


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