Book Title: Sacred Laws of Aryas
Author(s): Gorge Buhler
Publisher: Oxford
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of, Dd. 2, 1; Ap. 432; in endless 92, 5n; 93, inn; Ap. 411 n, light, Dd. 31, 24 n; in Gard- 431, 433 D. mân, Dd. 1, 3 n; 94,12; nature Avrak, lun, man., Ep. II, ii, 9 n. of, Dd. 19, 1-7; priests of, Ep. Az, demon, Dd. 37, 51. 1, iv, 10, 11, 15; propitiation of, Az-i Dahâk, king, Dd. 17, 6 n; 65, Dd. 48, 22; service of, Dd. 39, 5; 72, 3; 75, 2. See Dahâk. 16, 28; speaks, Dd. 7, 3; talks Azi Sravar, Dd. 72, 4. See Srůvar, with Keresâsp, Ap. 374, 376378; talks with Zaratast, Dd. 7, Bahman Yast, Ap. 399. 7; Ep. 1, vii, 10, 12; Ap. 371, . Bako nask, Ap. 371 n, 395, 397. 373, 379, 381, 415-417, 419-423, Balance of good works and sin, Dd. 431-433, 455; the creator, Dd. 8, 1, 2, 4; 13, 3, 4. 1,0; 14, 5; 31, 5, 6; 36,7; 37, Barázd, man, Dd. 90,8 D. 12, 75; 94, in, 14; Ep. I, o, BareshnQm ceremony, Int. 29; Dd. xi, 12; II, ix, 13, 14; III, 22; 23, 3 n; 89, 8n; 81,16; Ep. I, Ap. 393 n; the lord, Dd. 94,7n; ii, 6 n, iv, 1, vi, in, vii, 14, ix, Ap. 384,422; two spirits of, Da. 7 n, xi, in; II, i, 7 n, 16 n, ii, 2,11; Ep. I, ii, in; wisdom an, iii, 4 n, 12 n, iv, 6 n; III, of, Dd. 37, 19; worship of, Ap. 3-5, 8-13, 14, 15, 17, 20; Ap. 417.
424, (431-455) 458 n. Adharmazd day, Dd. 43, 7.
- gâh, Ap. 433 n; plan of, Ap. +35. Aůrvadasp, man, Dd. 78, 3.
Baresôm, see Sacred twigs. Adrvarâm, Dd. 48, 16.
- dân, Dd. 49, 5 n. Aurvês (ceremonial area), Dd. 48, Bargaining, Dd. 52, 1-4. 13, 14.
Bastard, Dd. 78, 8-12. Ashahîn gâh, Dd. 80, 2, 3.
Bayak, demon, Dd. 78, 7 n. Adshdâstâr m., Dd. 86, 2; 37, 118. Bear, origin of, Ap. 418 n, 419. Aus,hindûm m., Dd. 37,118 n; 92, 5. Benediction, Ep. i, ii, i, 4; Ap. Auấn (waters), Dd. 48, IO; day, Dd. 421.
48,7,11 n; month, Dd. 43, 10, Beneficent angel, Dd. 64, 6. In; Ep. II, i, 2.
- spirit, Dd. 2, 11; 36,7; 37, 31 n, Avdem, lun. man., Ep. II, ii, 9 n.
95, 100; Ep. I, ii, in. Avênak, lun, man., Ep. II, ii, 9, 10. Benzoin, Ap. 446. Avesta, Dd. 30, 4n; 71, 3n; 81, Berezyarsti, man, Dd. 90, 8 n.
19 n; Ep. I, iii, 8 n, v, 8 n; II, Best existence, Dd. 1, 3; 14, 7, 8; ii, 13 n, iv, 1, V, 14 n, vii, 5, ix, 16, 6; 41, 1o; 42, 2; 74, 2; 7n; Ap. 369, 370, 391, 392, Ap. 374. 394, 397, 411, 413 n, 419, Blessing of the holy, Ap. 410, 411. 427, 437 n; - and Zand, Dd. Bodily refuse, Dd. 48, 19, 20; 78, 45, 2; Ep. I, iv, 11; 11, iii, 14 n, 14; Ep. I, viii, 1-3, 5; II, iv, 3; ix, 10; - formula, Ap. 385-387; Ap. 432, 449. Khurdah, Ap. 385n;- phrases, Bodyôzêd sin, Dd. 49, 5n; 53, 50. Ep. I, vii, 4n; Ap. 385, 449 n, Bombay, Dd. On; 6, a n; 81, in; 451; recital of, Dà. 45, 6; 47, Ep. 11, ii, 9 n; Ap. 383 n, 392 n. 1, 4-6, 9; 48, 23, 28, 31; 86, 1, Bone-receptacle, Dd. 18, 3, 4. 3 ; 85, 4; Ep. I, vii, 10, X, 3; Boundless time, Int. 24. Ap. 446-448, 450; - text, Ep. Brahmanical thread, Dd. 99, 30 n. 1, iv, 3; II, iii, a n; Ap. 393, Bridge, see Kinvad bridge.
442 n, 445 n;- word, Ap. 390. Bull's urine, Dd. 48, 9n, 33 n; Ep. I, Avesta names, Dd. 2, 10n; 3,13 n; ii, 6 n, vii, 1, 4, 9, 14, 16, viii,
17, 7n; 20, 30; 30, 2n; 31, 1-4, 6, ix, 6, x, 3; II, ii, a, iii, 14n; 38, 30, 4n; 37, 23 n, 9, 10, 12; 111, 1, 6, 20; Ap. 391, 35 n, 36 n, 44 n, 52n, 80 0-82 n, 433-437, 445, 446 n, 447, 449, 97 n, ion, Iron, 118n; 44,
451-455, 457. 16 n; 48, 13 n, 33 n; 70, 3 n; Bundahis, Int. 2; D. 81, 2 n; 48, 72, 4, 5n, 9n; 80, 3 n, 8n; 25 n. See also Sad-dar.
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