which are called the instinctive and that heard by the ears1.
4. After a man is in the girding they shall tie on, the symptoms of any sins of the belted body are free from sin which is condemned (vigirînido); and when he walks uncovered, or naked, or with a twofold garment, there is then no root of the sin of running about uncovered in him. 5. Moreover, on hymns being chanted during a meal an inward prayer is not also necessary3.
6. The purpose of a cleansing (misn-aê) is this, that the suitableness of men for eating is due to worship of the sacred beings and glorification of the sacred beings. 7. And as to their necessary recommendation (sipârîh) of any food for eating, the
1 The twofold wisdom of the Avesta comprises the two intellects, the âsnô khratus, 'the durable or instinctive wisdom,' and the gaoshô-srûtô khratus, 'the ear-heard or acquired wisdom,' which are the terms used here.
2 The sin of vishâd-dâbârisnih, which would have been incurred in any of these cases if no girdle had been worn, is a venial sin of one Farmân for each of the three first steps, but becomes a Tanâpûhar sin (equivalent to 75 or 400 Farmâns) at the fourth step (see Sls. IV, 8-10).
This is mentioned as a further illustration of a greater religious duty superseding a lesser one. When the Gâthas, or hymns, are being chanted, the reciter is already under the protection of the inward prayer (vâg) with which all acts of worship must commence; it is, therefore, unnecessary to take another prayer inwardly before eating. Inward prayer is a short formula which is said to be 'taken' and 'retained' inwardly, as a protective spell, by muttering its commencement before certain necessary acts, and after the completion of the act the remainder of the formula is 'spoken out' aloud, and the spell is dissipated, before the person can converse (see Sls. III, 6).
The MSS. have pêm, milk,' instead of kim, 'purpose,' but see § 1; the Pahl. letters p and & are often much alike.
M14 has sipâsîh, 'praise ;' but this and several other emenda
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