Vanfraghesn 1 the Åspiyân, son of Yim, son of Vivanghåll; as these, apart from the Aspiyan Partôrâ, were ten generations, they every one lived a hundred years, which becomes one thousand years; those thousand years were the evil reign of Dahâk. 8. By the Åspiyân Par-törà was begotten Frêdan, who exacted vengeance for Yim; together with him? also were the sons Barmâyūn and Katâyûn, but Frêdan was fuller of glory than they.
9. By Frédun three sons were begotten, Salm and Tag and Afrik 3 ; and by Afrik one son and one pair* were begotten; the names of the couple of sons were Vânidâr and Anastokh", and the name of the daughter was GQzake. 10. Salm and Tag slew them all, Airik and his happy sons, but Frédan kept the daughter in concealment, and from that daughter a daughter was born?; they became aware of it, and the mother was slain by them. 11. Frêdan provided for the daughter, also in concealment, for
In TD this name can be read Vanfrokisn or Vanfrökgân. * TD has 'as well as him.' K2ob omits most of this sentence by mistake.
* These sons, as Windischmann observes, are not mentioned in the extant Avesta, but their Avesta names, Sairima, Tairya or Tara, and Airya or Airyu, may be gathered from the names of the countries over which they are supposed to have ruled (see Fravardîn Yt. 143).
• TD has two sons and one daughter.' 0 TD has Anidâr and Anastabo.
• Or Gügak, in TD; the other MSS. have Pâz. Ganga here, but Guzak in $ 14; it is identical with the name of Hôshyang's sister and wife in Chap. XV, 28. In the Pâzand Gamasp-nâmah the name of Frêdun's daughter is written Vîrak.
? Reading min zak dakht dakht-1 zâd, as in K2ob and TD; some uncertainty arises here from the words dở kht, daughter,' and dvåd, 'pair,' being written alike in Pahlavi.
TD has bartman, daughter,' indicating that the word in K20 must be read dûkht, and not dvad, pair.'
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