one, body white, food spiritual, and it is righteous. 2. And two of its six eyes are in the position of eyes, two on the top of the head, and two in the position of the hump?; with the sharpness of those six eyes it overcomes and destroys. 3. Of the nine mouths three are in the head, three in the hump, and three in the inner part of the flanks; and each mouth is about the size of a cottage, and it is itself as large as Mount Alvand ? 4. Each one of the three feet, when it is placed on the ground, is as much as a fock (gird) of a thousand sheep comes under when they repose together; and each pasterns is so great in its circuit that a thousand men with a thousand horses may pass inside. 5. As for the two ears it is Mâzendarân which they will encompass. 6. The one horn is as it were of gold and hollow, and a thousand branch horns + have grown upon it, some befitting a camel, some befitting a horse, some befitting an ox, some befitting an ass, both great and small. 7. With that horn it will vanquish and dissipate all the vile corruption due to the efforts of noxious creatures.
meaning be correct) ought probably to be read yông, and be traced to Av. eeaungh (Yas. XXVIII, 11). In the MSS. the word is marked as if it were pronounced gûnd, which means a testicle.'
· The hump is probably supposed to be over the shoulders, as in the Indian ox, and not like that of the camel.
* Near Hamadân, rising 11,000 feet above the sea, or 6000 above Hamadân. It may be one of the Av. Aurvantô of Zamyad Yt. 3. The Pazand MSS. read Hunavand.
Literally, the small of the foot,' khûrdak-i ragelman. • Or, 'a thousand cavities (srůbě, Pers. surub, cavern ') have grown in it.'
Reading ziyâk; compare Pers. ziyîdan, “to suit, befit.'
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