spiritual chief of the region of Khvaniras, and also of all the regions; he is chief of the world of the righteous, and it is said that the whole religion was received by them from Zaratast.
3. In the region of Khvaniras are many places, from which, in this evil time of violent struggling with the adversary, a passage (vidarg) is constructed by the power of the spiritual world (mainôkih), and one calls them the beaten tracks 2 of Khvanfras.
4. Counterparts of those other regions are such places as Kangdez, the land of Saukavastân, the plain of the Arabs (Tazikân), the plain of Pêsyânsai, the river Nâívták“, Afrân-vêg, the enclosure (var) formed by Yim, and Kasmir in India. 5. And one immortal chief acts in the government of each
taken for this third pair of regions will also be consecutive, and this Dastür must, therefore, be identified with the Av. Kathwaraspa of Fravardîn Yt. 122.
1 TD has . Zaratūst is chief of this region of Khvanîras, and also of the whole world of the righteous; all chieftainship, also, is from Zaratûst, so that the whole religion,' &c.
9 Justi has 'zones, climates ;' but transcribing Pâz. habâvanhâ back into Pahlavi we have a word which may be read khabânõhâ, pl. of khabân,'a trampling-place' (comp. Pers. khabîdan). TD has kh vabisno-gâs, which has the same meaning.
Meaning, probably, that they resemble the six smaller regions in being isolated and difficult of access; in other words, either mythical, or independent of Iranian rule.
• So in TD, which also omits the second, third, and fourth of these isolated territories. In K20 we might read rad va khu dâk,
chief and lord,' as an epithet of Afrân-vêg. This river must be the Nâhvtâk of Chap. XXI, 6.
* Reading Kasmîr-i andar Hinda, but TD has Kasmîr-i andarūno; perhaps the last word was originally anîrânak, in which case we should read the non-Iranian Kasmîr.'
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