assistance of Sôshyans, on the production of the renovation of the universe.
7. Regarding Sâm' it says, that he became immortal, but owing to his disregard of the Mazdayasnian religion, a Tûrk whom they call Nihâg? wounded him with an arrow, when he was asleep there, in the plain of Pêsyânsat ; and it had brought upon him the unnatural lethargy (bashasp) which overcame him in the midst of the heat'. 8. And the glory (far) of heaven stands over him for the purpose that, when Az-i Dahâk5 becomes unfettered (arazak), he may arise and slay him ; and a myriad guardian spirits of the righteous are as a protection to him. 9. Of Dahâk, whom they call Bêvarâsp, this, too, it says, that Frédûn when he captured Dahâk was not able to kill him, and afterwards confined him in Mount Dimâvand e; when he becomes unfettered, Sâm arises, and smites and slays
10. As to Kangdez, it is in the direction of the east, at many leagues from the bed (var)? of the
1 This is not Sâm the grandfather of Rustam, but the Av. Sâma, who appears to have been an ancestor of Keres&spa (see Yas. IX, 30), called Sam, grandfather of Garsasp, in a passage interpolated in some copies of the Shâhnâmah (compare Chap. XXXI, 26, 27). Here, however, it appears from the Bahman Yast (III, 59, 60) that Keresâspa himself is meant, he being called Sâma Keresâspa in Fravardîn Yt. 61, 136.
• It can also be read Nihâv or Nîyag in K20, and Nihâv or Nihân in TD.
TD has as he lay in the midst of the heat.' * TD has and the snow (vafar) has settled (nishast) over him.'
See Chaps. XXXI, 6, XXXIV, 5. . See Chap. XII, 31. ? TD has agvar, above,' instead of min var, 'from the bed.'
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