since a creature was created by us, I, who am Aûharmazd, have not rested at ease, on account of providing protection for my own creatures; and likewise not even he, the evil spirit, on account of contriving evil for the creatures.' 4. And by their devotion to witchcraft (yâtûk-dinôih) he seduces mankind into affection for himself and disaffection to Aûharmazd1, so that they forsake the religion of Aûharmazd, and practise that of Aharman. 5. He casts this into the thoughts of men, that this religion of Aûharmazd is nought, and it is not necessary to be steadfast in it. 6. Whoever gives that man anything, in whose law (dâd) this saying is established, then the evil spirit is propitiated by him, that is, he has acted by his pleasure.
7. The business of Akôman2 is this, that he gave vile thoughts and discord to the creatures. 8. The business of the demon Andar is this, that he constrains the thoughts of the creatures from deeds of virtue, just like a leader who has well-constrained (sardar-i khûp afsârdo); and he casts this into the thoughts of men, that it is not necessary to have the sacred shirt and thread - girdle. 9. The business of the demon Sâvar", that is a leader of the demons, is this, that is, misgovernment, oppressive anarchy, and drunkenness. 10. The business of the demon Nâîkîyas is this, that he gives discontent to the creatures; as it says, that should this one
1 Compare Chap. I, 14.
2 The six arch-fiends of this paragraph are those mentioned in Chaps. I, 27, XXX, 29.
Written Sôvar in Chap. I, 27.
• Written Nâkahêd in Chap. I, 27, Nâikîyas when repeated in this sentence, and Pâz. Nâûnghas in Chap. XXX, 29.
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