says that seven powers are given to Aeshm1, that he may utterly destroy the creatures therewith; with those seven powers he will destroy seven of the Kayân heroes in his own time, but one will remain. 16. There where Mitôkht ('falsehood') arrives, Arask ('malice') becomes welcome, [and there where Arask is welcome]3 Aeshm lays a foundation, and there where Aeshm has a foundation many creatures perish, and he causes much non-Iranianism". 17. Aeshm mostly contrives all evil for the creatures of Aûharmazd, and the evil deeds of those Kayân heroes have been more complete through Aeshm, as it says, that Aeshm, the impetuous assailant, causes them most".
18. The demon Vizarêsh is he who struggles with the souls of men which have departed, those
Aêshm elsewhere; the Av. aêshma of Vend. IX, 37, X, 23, 27, &c. The Asmodeus of the Book of Tobit appears to be the Av. Aêshmô daêvô, demon of wrath.'
TD has 'there were seven powers of Aêshm.'
2 TD has six,' which looks like an unlucky attempt to amend a correct text. Tradition tells us that only five Kayâns reigned (see Chap. XXXIV, 7), and the Shâhnâmah also mentions Siyâwush (Pahl. Kaî-Sîyâvakhsh), who did not reign; but eight Kayâns, besides Lôharâsp and Vistâsp, who were of collateral descent (see Chap. XXXI, 28), are mentioned in the Avesta, whence the author of the Bundahis would obtain much of his information (see Fravardîn Yt. 132, Zamyâd Yt. 71, 74).
The phrase in brackets occurs only in TD.
• Reading bunak as in TD; K20 has 'sends down a root.'
So in TD; K20 has where Aeshm keeps on.'
That is, many foreign customs.'
7 The word vêsh, 'most,' is only in TD.
So in TD; K20 has Vigêsh. He is the Av. Vîzaresha of Vend. XIX, 94, who is said to convey the souls of the departed to the Kinvad bridge.
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