CHAPTER XXI. 1. In revelation they mention seventeen species of liquid (mayâ), as one liquid resides in plants 3; second, that which is flowing from the mountains, that is, the rivers ; third, that which is rain-water; fourth, that of tanks and other special constructions ; fifth, the semen of animals and men; sixth, the urine of animals and men * ; seventh, the sweat of animals and men; the eighth liquid is that in the skin of animals and men; ninth, the tears of animals and men; tenth, the blood of animals and men; eleventh, the oil in animals and men, a necessary in both worlds ; twelfth, the saliva of animals and men, with which they nourish the embryo®; the thirteenth is that which is under the bark? of plants, as it is said that every bark has a liquid, through which a drop appears on a twig (têkh) when placed four finger-breadths before a fire®; fourteenth, the milk of animals and men. 2. All these, through growth, or
navigable (nâvtâk) waters' may be the Nâvadå river' of $ 7, the river Nahvtâk' of Chap. XXI, 6, and Naivtâk of Chap. XXIX, 4, 5.
1 This chapter is evidently a continuation of the preceding one. : Only fourteen are mentioned in the details which follow.
• Most of these details are derived from the Pahl. Yas. XXXVIII, 7-9, 13, 14; and several varieties of water are also described in Yas. LXVII, 15.
• This sixth liquid is omitted by K20. o Departed souls are said to be fed with oil in paradise. • K20 omits the word půs,'embryo.'
? The meaning 'bark' for Pâz. ay van is merely a guess; Anquetil has 'sap' (compare Pers. âvînâ, juice'), but this is hardly consistent with the rest of the sentence. • See Chap. XXVII, 25.
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