________________ 93 (5) Akanda. prathana (p. 88, 1. 1): When a sentiment is upseasonably mentioned it involves a dosa, (6) Akanda.ccheda: When the sentiment under delineation is suddenly cut off, it involves a dosa." (7) Angino'nanusandhana : When the depiction of the principal Rasa is not persistently foilowed up, it involves a dosa, 3 (8) AngativistTti (p. 88, 1. 21): When an accessary is inordinately elaborated it involves a dosa. + (9) Ananga-varnina (p. 88, 1. 21): When something which is not an accessary of a Rasa and hence is not pertinent thereto is described, it involves a dosa. (10) Prakyti-vi paryaya: This is the tenth dosa given by Mammata. It is not traceable here. Probably it was not at all treated in the original as tbis is included under pada-dosas 6 (vide Viveka--p. 9, 1. 14). (p. 90, 1. 1) Viveka quotes remarks from the original viz "evam anye' pi" etc, i.e. to say, "thus others also." These words followed by the comments of Viveka on them indicate that Kalpalata did not follow Mammata quite closely in its treatnent of Rasa-dosas. Some of the Rasa.dosas viz, Akanda-ccheda, Angino'nanusandhana, Praksti-vi paryaya etc. are not traceable here. Mammata treats of ten Rasa-dosas. If Kalpalata dealt with ail these ten then the words, "evam anye'pi" indicate that it included other dosas too. For Viveka actually treats of Villyanaucitya a Rasa-dosa dealt with in Dhvanyaloka (p. 364). (p. 90, 1. 2) Vittyanaucitya lies in impropriety with reference to Vitti which is taken to mean (i) deportment (uyayahara) (ii) varieties of 1. Viveka borrows (P. 88, 11. 2 to 8) from Locana (P. 341]. Hemacandra also borrows this verse [vide H, K. S.-P. 108]. The Vrtti on this verse in Viveka (P. 88, 1. 9] is borrowed from H, K, S, V. [P. 108]. The readings differ, This Rasa-dosa is not traceable in Viveka though it was positively dealt with in the original as is clear from Viveka (P. 88, 1, 17). 3. Not traceable in Viveka. 4. The reading at P. 83, 1, 21 should be 37 fafarafa: ' The original borrows from ea. (P. 335) and Viveka from Locana (P. 335), Note the reading : ffefafafa 291777IA I at. reads To 31.' 5. Hemacandra includes it under Rasa dosa (vide H. K. S-P. 109& 178). 6. Hemacandra includes देशकालादिसमुचितवेषव्यवहारविरुद्ध under रसदोष ; he points out that whatever is against propriety with regard to desa etc involves dosa. This is treated as an Artha-dosa by Rudrata (vide R, K, L, X, L. 9) Viveka also treats it as an Artha dosa (vide Viveka P. 27,1,20) Both Hemacandra (H. K, S, V-P. 199) and Kalpalata Viveka (P. 27,1. 20 ff.) borrow from Namisadhu's Tippana on R. K. L. XI. 9. Viveka on its part borrows (at p. 27, 1. 25 ff.) from H. K. S. V. (P. 199).