________________ 134 birodhabhasal types of slesa are not distinct from virodha, y diastuti, vydtireka, rupaka, rupaka and virodha respectively, which are accepted as distinct figures. The ills, are not all traceable here." (p. 261, 1. 18) Vamana's definition of Slesa3 is probably discussed. (p. 261, 1. 19) The samkara of Slesa with other figures is discussed. (p. 262, 1. 12) Bhoja's definition and ills. of Slesas are discussed. (9) Samasokti (p. 262, 1. 19): The ill. under discussion is : upod ha ragena vilola-tarakam tatha glhitam sasinas The other ill. is (p. 262, i. 21); niriksya vidyun-nayanaih payodo mukham nisayam etc.? (p. 262, 1. 22) Udthata's ill. of Samasokti is discussed : danta-prabha-sumanasam etc. (p. 262, 1. 27) Vamana's definition of Samasokti is discussed. In this figure upameya is not mentioned though its attributes are, by means of double-meaning words. 1. (ibid) X.22. 2. The following ills. are traceable : (P.260, 1, 26) erfargy-kira... HARTSEI FTF 19 1 (ibid) X. 4, ill, of afastada; (P. 260, 1. 22-23) caur ago aggia F1 etc. 1 (ibid) X, 12. and at fra g aat q u a: a: etc (ibid) X, 13., ills, of twofold out24; (P. 260, 1. 26) ora: AZAC FT etc. 1 (ibid) X, 15. ill. of 29, Viveka borrows from Namisadhu's comments on this. 3. aug 29. @q: 1 K. L. S. IV. ii. 7. His vytti is a gyaralang gufett शब्दरूपेषु स तत्त्वाध्यारोपस्तन्त्रप्रयोगे तन्त्रोचारणे सति श्लेषः। (P. 65). 4. peal sa #retkui ta weydi S. K. IV. 85. 5. (ibid) IV. vv. 226 to 231. The original borrows from Bhojas vitti: ag f aqat un etc. (v. 226-P. 544) also STATUTET t faster: sfa mal etc, qj a fiatatsfa Hafa (v. 222.--P. 546); also an aaoqla ara afegat antear gearah etc, (on v. 230.-P. 547) 6. This is Hemacandra's ill. of Samasokti, Viveka probably Lolds a different view. 7. It is pointed out that there is nothing in 391&1 T etc. which would justify the conclusion in favour of either Slesa or ekadesavivarti Rupaka, as it is in the case of faitez faqaga: 991: etc. 8. U. K. L. S. (P. 39) The original borrows from Induraja's Vrtti : 751971998 1... qagata 7 8989faacgregar seator... Ayat (P. 39). K. L. S. IV. ii. 3 : 39#467" HAITTEETT: Jala : 1 The original borrows from Vamana's vitti on this Sutra (vide K. L. S. V, (P. 63).