________________ 145 (p. 275, 1. 14): The Vyaja-slesa of Rudratais included under Vyaja.stuti. The second variety of Lesa according to Dandi comes under Vyaja-stuti, 2 The ills. given in the original are borrowed from Bhoja. He includes Vyaja-stuti under Lesa,and borrows the ills. from Dandi, * who treats Lesa and Vyaja-stuti separately". (p. 276, 1. 1) Bhojas ill. of Lesa resulting from the implicit mention of guna and dosa (samasoktya) is discussed. The ill. of Lesa resulting from the explicit mention of guna-dosa is not traceable here.? (27) Sahokti (p. 276, 1. 4) 8: Mammatas definition of this figure is discussed. (p. 276, 1. 8.) Udbhatas ill. of Sahokti is discussed: dyu-jano mrtyuna sardham yasyajau tarkamaye / cakre cakrabhidhanena prais yenapta-manorathah // 10 (p. 276, 1. 8) Rudratas second variety of Sahokti 11 is discussed. The other varieties of this figure given by Rudrata 12 are not traceable here. 1. R. K. L. X. I1. 2. K. D. II. 268.. 3. Sat: Finat ara chegaralas, K. 1V. 56 4. Jau jual a za gfaefaa: 1 etc, K, D. II. 269. (S. K. IV. v. 123) चपलो निर्दयश्चासौ जनः किं तेन मे सरिव / TTT: TASTATUT maat aa farfetar: 11 K. D. II. 271. (S, K, IV. v. 124). Both these are ills, of dat acc. to post and Bhoja. The comments in Viveka (p, 275 1. 23) are borrowed with negligible changes from S. K. (p. 478). 5. vide K. D. II. 268. (where the second variety of fet, according to some is defined; this would be cleafa according to Mammata); and K. D. II. 342---347; where Dandi remarks that 25egfa has innumberable varieties when it is mixed with slesa. 6. TUTTATA stranegfe gaf tayfaa i etc. (S. K, IV. v. 125.) The original (p. 276 1. 1) borrows from Bhoja's comments: ait: AAT ATT etc. S. K. p, 479. 7. vide S, K, IV. v. 126. (p. 479). 8. Nrv paragraph from the words, 'Tarefa fa l'The words anfa' prir to these go with the previous paragraph. 9. K. P. X; the original borrows from Mammata's vrtti: preifaTaTTarqafa refa1TTHAETATAF AT Elfth: | K. P. (p. 523). 10. Viveka borrows from Laghuvstti: 777 fai da sfat AF974: 1 (P. 68). utar a fava a aar 7 aa afera I etc, R. K. L. VII. 15. 12. vide R. K. L. VII 13, 17 and VIII, 99, 101. u