Religion is one and not many, for, it is truth and truth is always universal and never sectarian. It is open to all; thus there is nothing like your religion or my religion. True religion requires no founder. It has neither beginning nor end. On one hand it is preceded by the beginning-less past and on the other hand it is followed by the endless future. Religion should be a unifying force and not a dividing factor and its intrinsic truth must be its greatest attraction, In other words the mission and the purpose of the true religion ought to be to eradicate all religious differences and to form a nucleus of universal brotherhood. True religion does not need blind faith for its support and nothing is hidden from it. Hence it is that the principles of true religion cannot be rejected by any true science.
We shall now apply these criteria to Jainism and see how far it stands the tests. The teachings of the Jinas who preach after attaining omniscience are for all souls high or low; there is no barrier of caste, creed, condition or colour to their investigation and adoption. Thus Jainism is a cosmopolitan religion, a religion for all beings, for all ages, for all times. Even a butcher, a poacher, a bird-catcher and a lion can save their soul by acting up to the four eternal doctrines of Jainism, viz., (i) Peace to all beings, (ii) Love
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