Book Title: Madhuvidya
Author(s): S D Laddu, T N Dharmadhikari, Madhvi Kolhatkar, Pratibha Pingle
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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GRASSMANN's explanation referred to above. They deal with it separately ($705 a) from yatuma'vant considering (with a question mark) silama as the name of a shrub. cf. RV. 10.75.8 (si'ndhuh) u'rṇāvati... sīlámavati "der an Wolle und Silamastauden (?) reiche Strom." As regards gaomavant it has been already suggested that its formation was influenced by haomavant with which it is found in a majority of cases (cf. BARTHOLOMAE, Altir. Wörterbuch s. v.)."
Thus there seem to be three possible ways of explaining yātuma vant:
(1) Stem yātu- + mavant < double suffix
man-vant. This explanation does not offer any ground for the use of the double suffix; (2) Stem yatuma- (from yātu + secondary derivative -ma, or as an abridged form of yatumaya) +vant. This explanation does not offer any special purpose for the stem extension;
(3) yátuma'vant an abridged form of yatumāyā'vant. Although this explanation suffers from the supposition of an abridgement, it is suggested by the context and gives satisfactory meaning as shown above.
8. Also GELDNER: 'reich an Silamākraut'.
9. The expression antarva'vant 'geräumig' is also cited by WACKERNAGELDEBRUNNER (II, 2 § 713 b) in this connection. But in § 701 a (small type on p. 869) they declare antarva'- as not clear. OLDENBERG (Noten), while commenting on RV 1.40.7, expresses his disagreement with PISCHEL (Ved. Stud. 2.214) as regards the meaning of antarva'vant. About its formation he observes "Stammbildung wie bei yatuma'vant," but does not make his point more clear. For the time being I am inclined to explain the expression as antarva + vant (in which antarva is formed with the secondary derivative -va meaning 'having interior, wide space'.
[Reprinted from the Bulletin of the De Madhu-Vidya/20
Jain Education International
Madhu Vidya/20
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