जैनत्व जागरण.....
के अवशेषों पर इनका निर्माण भी किया जाता था । उदाहरण के रूप में बुद्ध के अग्नि संस्कार की राख को चौरासी भागों में विभाजित कर उनके ऊपर स्तूप बनाये गये थे ऐसा उल्लेख मिलता है । इन स्तूपों के नीचे अन्दर की तरफ गुफा का निर्माण किया जाता था । प्रो. ए. के. वर्मा ने अपनी यात्रा की रिपोर्ट में कैलाश पर्वत की इस गुफा को ही ऋषभदेव स्वामी का निर्वाण स्थल मानते हुए लिखा है
No place in the surrounds of the Kailash-Manasarovar region can impact as much as the cave in Mount Kailash itself and it is no wonder that mystics of various cultural origins retreated to the holy cave. Sri Adinathji couldnot have been an exception and Ashtapad identified as Mount Kailash itself, the Serdung Chuksum (Saptarishi cave) is where Sri Adinathaji would have attained Nirvana and thus rendering it as the holiest of all Jain Pilgrim sites.
I believe a first hand experience of the cave is a must for forming any opinion on the most probable site of Nirvana of Sri Adinathaji. I strongly recommend a visit to the cave to anyone seriously interested. I can conclude based on my convictions that the cave is indeed the site of Sri Adinathaji's Nirvana.
कैलाश के विषय में एक Russian report में लिखा है कि यह प्राकृतिक पहाड़ नहीं होकर मानव निर्मित पिरामिड़ है । “Nor should one ignore recent Russian studies of Tibet and the Kailas range in particular, the results of which, if true, could radically alter our thinking on the growth of civilizations. One of the ideas the Russians have put forward is that Mt. Kailas could be a vast, human built pyramid, the centre of an entire complex of smaller pyramids, a hundred in total. This complex, moreover, might be the centre of a worldwide system connecting other monuments of sites where paranormal phenomena have been observed. The idea of the