(JANUARY, 1887.
accordance with the most approved scheme of exclamations, following the statement that this the Ślôka, are most suited to their position in is a grant of the glorious Vikramaditya V., the verse. Possibly Yaśôvarman was regarded otherwise called the glorious Tribhuvanaas a person of so little consequence that the composer of the Miraj grant, when deviating All the places mentioned in this inscription, from the present draft, held himself at in comection with the details of the grant, are liberty to alter the name to suit his own capable of identification, in the Indian Atlas, convenience. If, on the other hand, this Sheet No. 40. Koll&pura, of course, is the person really had both names, then they modern Kolapur," the chief town of the furnish the first instance of a variation in the Native State of the same name in the so-called first or really distinctive part of a proper Southern Marathả Country, and Koțitîrtha is name;" the instance, however, can hardly the name of a holy place still existing at this be considered & satisfactory one, without fur- town. Alatage, the chief town of a Seventher evidence to support it.
hundred district named after it, in the Kundi The inscription goes on (1. 58) to record that désa,--the Kuhundi and Kundi Three-thousand the Maharajadhiraja, Paramésvara, and Para- of other inscriptions,-is the modern Alter," wabhaldraka Vikramaditya V., here men- the chief town of a Sub-Division of the same tioned under his birudas of Tribhuvanamalla name in the Kolapur State, thirteen miles east and Vallabhanaröndra (1.59), issues by north of Kolapor. Koddast, the village command to the Ráshtrapati, Vishayapati, granted, is the modern Kuchi or Kochi," Grámakutaka, Ayuktaka, Niyuktaka, Adhi-six and a half miles almost due dorth of Altêm, kárika, Mahattara, and other officials (1. 60), to close to the right bank of the river Warņa. the effect that, the Saks year nine hundred on the same side of the river we have the and thirty, or in figures 930, having expired modern Watar or Wathar, answering to (1. 61), in the Sanmya samvatsare," on an the ancient Vattara, one and a half miles unspecified full-moon day, and at the time of south of Kuchi; and Bhendawadem, the an eclipse of the moon,-at the sacred place ancient Bhendevada, two miles south-west called Kotitirtha, at the town of Kollapura of Kuchi; and, on the other side, Bagni, the (1. 62),-the village of Koddast (1. 65), in ancient Vangi," and Dudhgamw, the ancient the Alatage Seven-hundred in the Kandi Duddhigrama, respectively two and a half lesa (I. 64), is given by him to the Bhatta miles north, and two miles north-east, of Kuchỉ: Dévêvisõttara, belonging to a kákhá of the As regards the date, which is expressed Yajurvéda, and a member of the Prathama- fully in words and partly in decimal figures, Å trêya gôtra (1. 63), the son of the Bhatta the principal record is that the grant was made Dôņēkramayita, and the son's son of the when Saka-Samvat 930 had expired, and conBhatta Dêvaņakramayita. The boundaries of sequently when the year 931 was current; and this village are, on the east, Duddhigrama in the Saumya saravatsara ; and, according to (1. 65); on the south, Vattara (1. 66); on the Tables, Saka-Samvat 931 (A.D. 1009-10) the west, Bhendevada ; and on the north, was the Saumya samvatsara, as indicated. The Vangi.
only detail available for computation, is the Lines 66 to 68 define the rights attached to lunar eclipse, on an unspecified fall-moon day. the grant. Lines 68 to 72 contain an injunc- By the Tables, the choice lies between Tuestion that the grant should be continued by day, the 12th April, and Thursday, the 6th future kings; followed by three of the custom- October, A.D. 1009. But, according to others ary benedictive and imprecatory verses. And of the same Tables, these dates answer prima the inscription ends in line 73, with auspicious facie, by the southern system, to the fourteenth * See my remarks, ante, Vol. XIV. p. 344.
"The Ulteh' of the map. Lat. 16° 46' N.; Long. 1 According to the Tables, Saka-Samvat 931 was the
74° 28' E.. Saumys saivataara, as indicated. Saka-Samvat 930 was
*This and the following places are entered in the map the Kilaka ashuateara.
Kochee, Watar, Bhendowreh, Barnee, and Doodgaon.'
0 It in difoult to explain the transposition and change * The 'Kolapoor, Kolhapoor, and Kolhapur,' of mapa, of the neal in this word. The suggestion has been &c.-The last two forms owe their origin to a perfectly made to me that the reason is that the original name mistaken idea that the first two syllables are the Mars sounded too much like bhang, 'a sweeper." thi word k'Iha, 'a jackal.'
» Cunningham's Indian Eras, p. 214.