Book Title: Multidimensional Application of Anekantavada
Author(s): Sagarmal Jain, Shreeprakash Pandey, Bhagchandra Jain Bhaskar
Publisher: Parshwanath Vidyapith
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Multi-dimentional Reflections on Anekantavāda
of life. Such skill or education needs to be implemented or applied in actual lite.
Mind of an individual is restricted to egoistic vision: Man cannot think beyond what has been conditioned by his early childhood development under social influences. It means that individual is conditioned by his own “Rāga (attachment) and Dveșa (Aversion)". "Räga and Dveșa" mean irrational and sentimental preferences and prejudices. Man is not able to perceive reality or understand truth because of his egoistic frame of mind i.e. “Ahaṁ.
Man lives, therefore, an unnatural life not conforming to laws of nature. If man wants to live a natural life, he needs to develop insight into reality by giving up his own attachment and aversion. In other words, man needs to develop his self for the following: 1. Realistic perception 2. Realistic interpretation 3. Realistic expression
The technique, which teaches man for realistic approach towards lite, is called as Anekāntaväda. Anekantavāda defines following aspects: 1. What is reality? 2. How reality is interpreted and expressed? 3. How various people perceive reality in various different valid ways?
This task of Anekantavāda is to lead mankind from Rāga and Dveșa to Vairāgya, from traditional living to rational approach, from ignorance to wisdom, from unnatural living to natural living, or from intranquil and stressful life towards tranquil and bliss.
Jñana, Darśana and Caritra are the three jewels of Jainism to attain the salvation. Jñana means realistic perception, Darśana means rational and prudent thinking and Caritra means rational living.
Anekāntavāda is a scientific approach towards life, which eradicates limited egoistic vision. (Aham or Rāga & Dveșa). Vairāgya means enlightened approach towards life. How People think in many ways! 1. Language can be mainly divided into two parts: (a) Forms of Words (b) Meaning or message conveyed
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