Book Title: Multidimensional Application of Anekantavada
Author(s): Sagarmal Jain, Shreeprakash Pandey, Bhagchandra Jain Bhaskar
Publisher: Parshwanath Vidyapith
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A Treatment of Nature of Reality: Anekāntavāda
The Anekāntavāda is also utilised to make understand in a right way the ethical standpoint. On the one side it consider the nature of Universe and substance and on the other side, it explains the concept of bondage and salvation (bandha and mokṣa). The empirical standpoint is an agreement with the external attitude of realistic, ethical standpoint. Therefore the devotion, worship etc., are the ethical attitude (Subhopayogas) which lead a person 10 the path of complete liberation from kamas (Suddhopayoga). The Suddhopayoga cannot be neglected for the attainment of Subhopayoga.
Now we come to the conclusion with ragard to the treatment of nature of reality (Anekantavāda), as follows:1. Anekāntavāda : (non-absolutism) is accepted by Jaina logicians with the view to create healthy and harmonious atmosphere for inter-religious relations and National integration. 2. It points out unbiasedly the merits and demerits of the conception and proposed with due respect its own independent views. 3. It considers the substances form its all aspects with the help of real and practical standpoints. It provides the co-existence between permanent and impermanent and such other points. 4. It considers that others' views should be respected as they also possess a part of truth in their eyes. Their views are included into different types of nayas which are the part of Pramāna and Anekāntaväda. 5. The Nayas analyse the reality while Syádvāda synthesizes it into a complete viewpoint with the help of the word 'syat"which indicates the relative expression. 6. The Anekantavāda leads a person to the stage of highest spiritual purification (mokşa). 7. It does not carry any self-contradiction and other forms of defects as wrongly pointed out by the Buddhists and Vedic logicians in their respective works 8. It can be compared with that of modern science. The theory of Relativity of Prof. Albert Einstein is nothing but appears to be an extension of the theory of Anekānta vāda as revealed by scholars. The Sapalabhangisare based on the Law of Combination of Mathematics. 9. Some of the concept of western philosophers are vey close to the
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