Book Title: Multidimensional Application of Anekantavada
Author(s): Sagarmal Jain, Shreeprakash Pandey, Bhagchandra Jain Bhaskar
Publisher: Parshwanath Vidyapith
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Application of Anekantavāda
where they are believed to have an one-sided approach. For leaders, to be influenced, one way is to influence their lieutenants. This way, when everyone in a society, teacher, doctor, lawyer, engineer, labourer, leader, saints etc. are anekāntis, the Anekānta society will be built. When everyone is 'clean and maintains “cleanliness' in the surroundings, society will be clean. Similarly, when everyone is anekánti and behaves in an Anekānta manner towards his neighbours and others, society will be anekantised. Social Sphere:
In the social sphere, on the one hand we face problems like poverty, unemployment, slavery, dowry system etc. and on the other hand we face problems like injustice and exploitation based on secessionist and casteist discrimination. The philosophy of Anekānta also includes in it the concept of ahimsā or non-violence i.e., every living being has equal right to exist on this earth. In other words, it is positive love, it is an overflowing love which seeks nothing in return. Here, the Anekānti rises to the position of loving the person who does the evil deed while hating the deed that the person does. When so happens an Anekānta world will be built in which men will not take necessities from the masses to give luxuries to the classes. In such a scenario, discrimination, injustice and exploitation will not prevail signalling an end to the problems of poverty, unemployment, slavery etc. Political Sphere:
In the present day political atmosphere, the country is facing problems in various states. The country is also badly effected by LTTE, Naxalities and other terrorist organisations based on violence. It is highly imperative now that the people should form a band of Anekantis who are selfless dedicated workers. These Anekantis should camp there and help them in doing some constructive work. The so-called terrorists are not actually so but they have become so due to circumstances and lack of proper guidance and direction. It reflects upon the failure of the people to accommodate their viewpoints. Once they realise that there are some people who are really interested in them, love them and they are not different from them and that they are part of the society, in all
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