Book Title: Multidimensional Application of Anekantavada
Author(s): Sagarmal Jain, Shreeprakash Pandey, Bhagchandra Jain Bhaskar
Publisher: Parshwanath Vidyapith
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Environment and Anekānta
फूनी (Esho Funi) द्वारा व्यक्त किया जाता है । शो (Sho) शब्द शोहो (Shoho) का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है जिसका अर्थ है स्वतंत्र चेतन जीव ए (e) अर्थात् एहो (eho) का अर्थ है उस जीव का पोषक वातावरण । अत: जीव तथा पर्यावरण अवियोज्य हैं।
टाँयनबी : यदि मानवता को आत्म-विनाश से बचाना है तो मनुष्य को स्वयं ही वह प्रदूषण समाप्त करना होगा जिसे उसने उत्पन्न किया है तथा भविष्य में प्रदूषण उत्पन्न न हो इसके लिए प्रयत्न करने होंगे - पर्यावरणीय प्रदूषण के दो स्रोत हैं: प्रथम औद्योगिक उच्छिष्ट तथा द्वितीय आधुनिक नगरीय स्थितियों में जीनेवाली पूरी की पूरी बस्तियों द्वारा अपव्ययपूर्ण व्यक्तिगत उपभोग --- प्रदूषण मानव अस्तित्व के लिए खतरा है तथा लोभवृत्ति को नियंत्रित किए बिना इसका निवारण संभव नहीं है । त्याग करने की प्रेरणा केवल धार्मिक (धार्मिक शब्द के व्यापकतम अर्थ में) रूपांतरण द्वारा मिल सकती है -- मेरे विचार से धर्म एक अनिवार्य आवश्यकता है। मनुष्य जितना अधिक शक्तिशाली होगा उतनी ही अधिक उसे धर्म की आवश्यकता होगी - मेरे विचार में समस्त धर्मो तथा दार्शनिक विचारधाराओं के अनुयायियों के मध्य विश्वव्यापी सहयोग आवश्यक है।
From the above ideas of Toyanbee, it is clear that industrial wastes are great pollutants for the removal of which the industrialists, in his opinion, are not prepared to spend out of greed. As for over utilisation of available resources, both the nations as well as individuals are to be blamed. He has expressed the fear that such a conduct is likely to deprive the successive generations of the advances made so far. Hence the need of a philosophy is to regulate the affairs of man for a clean biosphere and a moral environment. A believer in Anekāntavāda shuns greed as it creates inequality, tensions, conflicts and what not to vitiate environment. He also tries to limit his wants in personal life as well as in his professional activities. A moderate life or not over ambitious life style is the ideal of an Anekantavāda for it promotes cordial atmosphere or conflict free environment as for as he can help.
Scientists have now come to the conclusion that the earth possesses life. J. Keys and Sower have opined that, “We find that the soil is life and that a living soil contains a mass of micro organic existence, the earthworm, the fungi and the micro organisms, we learn that there is a minimum of five millions of these denizens to the cube inch of living soil. “The formulators of Anekānta millennium of years ago postulated life in earth and dis-advised against its over-exploitation. They opined that it is good for man to extract benefits from mother
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